Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


Hello, Love! How are you feeling today? Take a moment and sit quietly with your feelings - hear yourself out. They all matter. They all are a beautiful part of You. No matter how uncomfortable they may feel - let them flow.
Everything you are feeling is Perfect. It simply needs to be given a Voice. It wants to be Heard. Felt. Surrendered into the softness of your own Divine Presence.
Are you scared? Angry? Frustrated? Annoyed? Do you feel your Heart hurting for your Loved Ones? For the World? Do you feel like being Mean? Do you feel like Fighting those who are being Mean? Do you feel a sense of Peace while there is a notable undercurrent of Anxiety? Do you feel it All and then Nothing at all?
Right Now - Be your Own Medicine - LET YOURSELF FEEL. It may be more comfortable to reach out for a snack to soothe you, get angry with a loved one, lash out at someone online, close off with a pillow on your head and a movie on your screen..
But Really - what your Soul and Heart are wanting right now is to FEEL. Embrace ALL of YOU. Just as you are Right Now. This id Divine Medicine - Turning Towards Yourself -  Embracing all that is Surfacing to be seen, felt and released.
Alchemised - from being your Shadow emotions - to becoming your Light and Strength. And you regain precious Power that has been waiting to be uncovered for so long.
It may be uncomfortable to turn towards the Uncomfortable. Yet the Medicine of Embracing Yourself in your Uncomfortability - is THE pathway towards Liberation from the Emotional Pain and Unease you are experiencing.
Make a Date with Yourself! Light a candle. Put a Flower or an Object that brings you comfort before you. Take a Journal. And Write it all Out. Put the music that speaks to you right now - rowdy or nostalgic - and dance your feelings.
Let them flow through you and out of you. Get a cozy blanket or a soft toy, hug them tight and cry it all out. Shout it all out. There is no Wrong or Ugly feeling. It all JUST IS.
You have the Power to turn THIS into a Sweet Medicine for You and Those Around You. Before the Intensity you are feeling turns into a spikey hurting action towards another - online or in person, Or over-rides you into Stress - Take a Date with Yourself. LET YOURSELF FEEL.
This Action of Sacred Self-Care will ripple out like Golden threads of Soul expanding, recognising, seeing, feeling - far and wide. Lightening your Heart, Liberating your Body from Contraction, Soothing your Nervous System, Bringing sense of Clear Thinking back.
Feel and be Kind to yourself. And all those around you who are also feeling deeply right now. If there is an online group you feel safe to share - share how you are feeling and be witnessed. Give permission to others ro show up in their truth too. Ask for help if you need it.
We all need it right now. This Time of GLOBAL Intensity of Feeling Deeply and Intensely - is a Gateway to our personal and collective Healing. Honour this Journey of Release, Acceptance and Returning Home to Compassion for self and the world around you. With so much Love and Angelic Embrace, Lidija
Video - "Free Yourself From This Collective Consciousness Trap" By Melanie Beckler

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