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I was just wondering if there are any followers of this beautiful goddess here in Neopaganworld. I do know that she is the primordial goddess of the night. From what I've found, she's in the same teir as Chaos, Gaia, Uranus, Erebus, and so on. Or if there is a goddess that is equal to her let me know. I know different cultures had different names for this goddess. If you are a worshipper, can you help me out? Blessed Be!

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It's nice to know there's more people than just me following Nyx. I've felt quite alone where I am, so I can understand you wanting to know more about her. I do too (:

Even before I knew of Wicca or Paganism, I have been drawn to Nyx. It is a bit of a lonely feeling...most people worship Hecate, because she is very similar. But I simply cannot find the same connection to Hecate as I do to Nyx. All in all it's hard because finding info on Nyx is so freaking hard. I probably need some help with research too.

I'm new to falloweing her but I know thers rules like no lust of any king dos that mean you cat do it yourself I mean I don't want to affened her she's really help me iv been a better person sence I found lady nyx


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