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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Recently I've been having "arguements" with another Pagan, not Wiccan, on another website. She claims that Wiccans must be in a coven to be real Wiccans. I'm not exactly sure if that is true. I know the 161 laws say that we have to be in a coven. However there a book such as, "Wicca, a Guide for the Solitary Practitioner" and I don't remember the name of another book that says it is okay to be solitary but you should try to find a coven. What do you think? Can Wiccans be solitary?

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I'ts like working at Mcdonalds if you don't understand your co-workers .... HATE IT".

I have always been a solitary. I tend to be nervous in groups. I have seen that people will do things in groups that they would not do as individuals. Sometimes that is a positive thing, other times it is negative. I guess I don't get group dynamics!

I agree that in some villages / communities there was only one wise one who tended the communities needs. They were and are witches or wiccans. Many of the books I have read have self-initiation rituals. I like Scott Cunningham, but I disagree that one must be with a coven.
The founder of the religion seems to disagree, and it seems to me that the people publishing books that say other than the founder did are people who either were never initiated into his religion or left it for whatever reasons. Not sure I'd take what those people had to say about it with 100% confidence, myself.

Plus, the 161 were written by the founder, Gardner, or at least introduced by him as guidelines for Wicca. Cunningham's book was written by...not Gardner. Cunningham, IIRC wasn't even initiated past the First Degree into Gardner's religion, so while he might have known a bit about it, he would have been in no way an authority.

Now, I do like Cunningham's work, myself, but as a bade for witchcraft, not necessarily Wicca. It's that way with many authors, and you can't really blame them; all the core "bits" of Wicca seem to be oathbound. It is said, though, that if you're really meant to be Wiccan, the gods call their own to them.

Just out of curiosity, what website might this be?

Gardner is not the founder of any path I follow and many of us follow traditions handed down from families or cultures that predate Gardner.  Just saying that Gardner is not the be all, end all to the many and varied wiccan traditions.

I am saddened by arguements that happen because of a tendency to put dogma ahead of common sense. If you must make love to just yourself, because that is your preference and/or situation at the time, than do so with self respect and enjoyment. The same goes for being solitary vs. coven dictated.
If on the other hand you are in a partnershipped relationship, than learn how to share sexual enjoymnent, as well as all the other sharings that make up a dual or group relationship. Again the same holds true for being in a coven vs. being solitary.
Both Scott Cunningham and Raymond Buckland have written pulitzer prize quality books on why it is OK to be solitary. Ray's book is titled Wicca for One, The Path of Solitary Witchcraft. Ray was initiated at a time in Historical England where Gerald Gardner had put forth the commandment that you cannot be Wiccan if you are solitary and outside of a coven. Janet and Stewart Farrar prevailed upon greater common sense and plowed forward with the greatest of Editorial and Fact finding intentions to lay a somewhat more middle of the road approach.
In essence, if you find yourself being asked or compelled to be in a coven, or to lead one, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT, and if you are Solitary by choice or circumstances, than be comfortable in your own situation.
Wicca to me equals common sense above all else!
Uh, no. That is one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard in a long, long time. And I am in high school. I am a solitary wiccan, and I think that the Gods made it so that I can be. I was in a coven, but some things happened that forced me away from my coven. The Gods knew how much I needed people. I often made that very clear. Covens are great, but some people just aren't meant to be in one. Also, in my part of the U.S. (I live in a very nosey area of Mississippi), people are VERY religious. They would definitely be suspicious if they saw a group of seeming troublemaking kids around with black bags and such. If people found out, they'd do what they did to those vamps in Chosen by P.C. Cast. I don't want to talk about it. Just read the book if you haven't already.
some pagans and wiccans get lost along the way believing that what they know to be true is the only way ....remind you of any christians you may know..LOL i started out with wicca the guide for the solitary practitioners the second book is LIVING WICCA FOR THE SOLITARY PRACTItiONER author SCOTT CUNNINGHAM i am a solitary practitioner myself and know first hand it does not take a coven to make you who u are or make your beleifs valid ...... some pagans are as closed minded as christians which is such a turn off.... know that there is light and dark in everyone and everything dont let that sway you keep on your path and learn what you can from anyone and everything ... there is something to learn from everyone even the assholes ... dont be like them live learn grow

I agree 100% with you, I like Scott not everyone is lucky enough or even rich enough to have big sprawling land to open a coven, away from other `nosey` people and yes no matter where you are there is always someone who will point fingers. It`s the nature of the beast. As for solitary ...anyone can be a witch with dedication and hard work...by the way wicca only means male witch...and Doreen Valiente did mention solitary practice because not everyone has a network of many friend who are of the same faith...the reason why I am staying solitary after being part of a coven for several years, it``s exactly what you said....some coven believe their way is the only true way there is no true way.  A coven does not make a witch.

well put.

Yes you can be solitary. There are no covens where I live, so I'm solitary. Plus, my parents are hardcore christians, and completely reject my beliefs, so it's hard for me to get materials, so I make them. The only thing I really know about Wicca is what I have been taught on this site (A lot!) and what I have learned on my own (Also a lot!). But yeah, you can be solitary. Follow your own path, and do what feels right.
To make your materials is the greatest magic of all. Just the thought and effort alone infuses them with greter power than if they are store bought and they mean so much more.


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