Hi there, I'm someone who's considered himself Agnostic for the past few years, but always had some kind of spiritual....I don't know, yearning. Like there was something that I was missing, and it's been bothering me for quite some time. I was raised a Catholic, abandoned it when I was like 14-15 (realized it was....retarded and hypocritical) and rolled Agnostic, which I've been for the past 5-6 years (I'm now 20).
Anyway, to help point me in the right direction, I took beliefnet.com's test to see where I might stand. My top results included Secular Humanism, Neo-Paganism and Theravada Buddhism. I know enough about Paganism that I'm not one of the foolish people who have all these strange stereotypes about it. I know it includes a vast array of different paths so to speak. I just don't know what path to take and if even the...umbrella of Paganism is right for me. I would greatly appreciate some guidance in this matter to help put my mind at ease.
Thanks in advance for any help/advice/etc
- Chris
Hi my friend
what i would suggest is that you take your time and experiment. In this way you will find in time what works best for you and what fits right in what you believe to be right to you. There is no right or wrong thing to believe or path to follow, everyone is unique and different, and so is their views in beliefs. Perhaps try mixing your beliefs, there is no law to say you cant mix the 3 you fit into together to take the parts of each that you like best and have that as your path, nor that you can pick one then take bits of the others to bring into it...the choices are endless, only you can know the path that your heart desires for you.
I hope this helps
Thanks for the reply, Jason. I appreciate the answer, and I do understand that there's no right or wrong path. But I mean I'm not even aware of what paths to either follow or take from to make my own, which may be part of my issue. I've had a hard time finding solid information about specific details and paths, and I understand that's because of the fact that people make their own, but where do they get it from? It's hard for me to explain but essentially, it would be great if there was a sort of checklist of different beliefs and such that I could go through that could point me in the general direction of something at least somewhat specific.
I understand what you mean, it took me a few years also to find where my path lay as well in that regard. what i would suggest is first taking a view of what you believe, and how they fit in..it all takes time, patience and trial and error.
Any more help that can be offered? It's been over a month and I'm still lost as ever. Been between Neo-Paganism & Theravada Buddhism, both of which I've been having a hard time finding information about
Blessed Be - Online Wiccan Resource Center
I learned about Wicca here. There is a bit about some of the G-ds & G-ddesses of the Neo-Pagan Pantheon, look for the Wheel of The Year and check out the descriptions.
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