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Grace Of Gaia

We are Electic Pagans/ Wiccans. We try really hard to Serve the Beautiful Sacred Gifts of Mother Earth and her Children. We are more Earthbound Pagans then any thing else/ we do worship some Deities. but, honor all Patheions.We work natural magick .

Website: http://www.myspace.com/graceofgaia
Location: Millsboro Delaware
Members: 36
Latest Activity: Dec 5, 2021

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Comment by sharon on December 1, 2010 at 6:31am
Same as your barbique. Meat on the fire, salands on the table and good friends and family talking, relaxing and enjoying the moment. Very versatile at home its used for weadings and business meetings too though its a bit more formal. Personally its almost a religion with my family and its one of my favourite passtimes.
Comment by Sam Morgan on November 30, 2010 at 10:03pm
You got me, I had to look up braai. That sounds very nice.
Comment by sharon on November 29, 2010 at 9:44am
Im an autumn person. The days are just right and the evenings good for braai and friends with colorful displays of nother nature in all her finery nothing could be better. Actually I think all the seasons have something wonderful to offer its just that Autumn has something special - a sort of inbewteen when all things settle for slumber and awaken fresh and rearing to go come spring, Not sure how long Ill be here - until I get boared probably! I love to travel and its a good place to use as a start point as its close enough to go away for weekents to any country in Europe. it makes all the restrictions I have to bear worth it.
Comment by Sam Morgan on November 29, 2010 at 6:10am
I have not spent much time in the desert, just passing thru type of thing. I know here where I live when we have a very hot summer. When the air/fire suppress the water/earth, I find the energy patterns very suppressing. It feels like life is on hold until the cycle is completed. On a more enjoyible note, It is winter now here and it is time for sitting around bonfire with friends and having a fire in fireplace. This is my faverite time of the year. The leafs are turning red and the air is crisp, good time for circle magick.
How long are you going to be in Saudi?
Comment by sharon on November 28, 2010 at 5:10am
Hi Sam. I know Oaks well. Not native to South Africa they grow well there and are well liked for their shade in summer and their fast growth rate. Their fallen leaves make great mulch too. Cape Mahogany is a slower grower but they grow straight and tall - beautiful trees but they look tragic in winter when they loose their leaves and tend to drop her pods onto your head if you dont watch it. Im finding energy is suppressed here in Saudi - not as wild and free as in South africa and theres a sence of restriction that Im finding difficult to circumvent but Ive only been here since May so Ill persevere and see if it changes. Just before sunrise/sunset and full moon seems to be the best time here for magical work but after that things get "old and tired". Theres a layline that runs through the compound but it wont be there much longer at they are going to build on it which is a pity. I only noticed it cause the brush and bushes are greener and grow in a straight line down it - as I said things are strange here and interesting too.
Comment by Sam Morgan on November 24, 2010 at 5:26pm
Sharon great you joined us here. Cape Mahohany is a tree I do not know. I will have to look it up on the internet. Can you feel it life energy when you touch it? Does it change your moods if you sit next to it? In my area, I have big live oaks. When I need to feel better I just go and lean my back to the trunk. The tree will do it's magick on me and adjust me to a more agreeable vibration rate. Drum roll please, If you have not guessed it one of my master teacher of life is a tree. I have learned a lot from it. I know I have a lot more to learn.
Now questions on the desert. Have you noticed any ley lines? Is the time in between energys more intense? When you perform magick do you see a difference? I know so many questions and so little time.
Comment by sharon on November 24, 2010 at 7:35am
Hi Sam.nothing wrong with talking to trees. Their rock steady, dont run away and give some sound advice if asked. My Cape Mahoganyand I get along just fine when Im home. She grew from a seed and we whent through all the growing pains together and now she guards my driveway and my Morgan who sits in her branches while Im traveling. A really great friend to have around
Comment by Becky on November 15, 2010 at 2:04pm
Since I'm ecclectic I choose whichever holiday "feels" right eachyear. This year I trick-or-treated with my friends toddlers it was quite fun :) an small ritual that most people take for granted.
Comment by Sam Morgan on November 15, 2010 at 7:19am
Hi Becky, love your trees. You are lucky to has such friends in your yard. You should be able to use them to create wonderful things in your life. I don't have Maples in my area so I have never used them for magick. Create well my friend the world is yours to have. Hope you had a wonderful New year or Samhain or Halloween or Day of the dead or what ever. You now that may sound funny but I have to many friends that see that time as different traditions. I am just a very confused pagan trying to get along with very confused pagans. That said we do party very well together. May good time bless you in the dark half. This is my time of the year.
Comment by Becky on November 12, 2010 at 9:05pm
Pictures of my maple trees are now up on my page if you'd like to look Sam.

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