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Pagan Mothers

For pagan mothers, teaching children the way of the earth, swapping recipes, life stories as well as herbal remedies also for pregnant women.

Location: Ny, Ny
Members: 79
Latest Activity: Sep 20, 2017

Discussion Forum

What did you see as a child?

Started by Sehkmet kalikalmata. Last reply by RavenHeart~ Dec 10, 2016. 5 Replies

Birthing a Baby

Started by RavenHeart~ Dec 10, 2016. 0 Replies

Did you feel as a young girl that Wiccan was your path?

Started by Laura Berry. Last reply by Kristin Barton May 14, 2016. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by Arianrhod on December 1, 2008 at 12:11pm
Hello all witchy mommies. I have a 16 year old daughter, who is now pregnant, so I am in fact going to be a grandmother, yikes! And I have a 3 year old boy that is so energetic, and beautiful. I have raised and taught my daughter all that I know and she was the ONLY child ever allowed in our circles, but only on special light holidays. But she has no desire right now to learn further. I started her when she was 3. Oh well, I will continue to teach her when she hears the calling.
Comment by Gwendolyn on November 30, 2008 at 9:07pm
(V)erry (V)eet all! I was looking through the groups, saw this one and thought it was perfect! 2 of my favorite qualities - mother and pagan in one place!
Comment by Donna on November 30, 2008 at 2:47pm
I'm happy to meet all you Pagan moms. It's up to us to make sure that our children grow up prepared to take over the running of our world. And, I'd like to remind everyone that our children may be taking care of us someday. What they believe will have a direct impact on what they do and how they perceive their place in the world and the world's place in the Universe. They will vote and run the governments and produce and influence children of their own. It's we who show them the world. We show them immediately whether the world is a loving, nurturing place or whether it's hostile. We know that it's both but our babies only know the world according to their own lives. I'd like to know what all you other moms hope to teach your children. I ask this because I spoke with a young Christian mother the other day about what she was planning to teach her children. The number one thing on her list was that they should be good Christians. I asked her how she would do that and she told me immediately that she was going to get involved in the schools to make sure that the Liberals are gotten out of the school system and Jesus is brought back into the schools and the government. I hoped she would say that she was going to teach them to be tolerant and non-judgmental and kind. But, her first priority is to make her religion the law of the land and the basis for the school curriculum and the school system policies. This means to us, as mothers, that we have a particular challenge. I hope for my grand children to be wise enough to realize that there is something of value in each religion and to be educated enough about them all to make an informed decision about their life choices.

Members (78)


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