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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

  • 77, Female
  • Jackson, MS
  • United States
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Profile Information

Relationship Status:
Single, Maybe Looking
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
Common person, Druid, Viking, Unknown Knight, Eretic Soul, animal, artist, confederate, Solitary Magus, Solitary Witch, Mr./Ms. Nobody, other
Path or Tradition:
Eclectic Solitary
Do you have a religion?
Neopagan, Unitarian-Universalism, Druidsm
Magic of choice:
Louisiana Voodoo, Wicca, White Magic, Earth-Gaia Magic, Circle, Wicca, Necromancy, Spells, Druidry, IChing, Oracles, Omens, Clairvoyance, Channelling, Runes, Celtic, Sorcery, Crystals, Angelic, Sex Magic, Natural Magic, Animism, Other
Where you perform rituals?
inside your house, on a beach, other, fields, pagan circle, ancient ruin, rooftop, around a bonfire, mountains, valley, hills, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
Depends on the ritual
Cemetery of choice:
What about Drugs?...
What about dancing?
I dance around a mystic fire, Dancin' for the Gods, Other
Food orientation:
Carnivore, Fish eater, Sushi lover, Other
Vegetarian's dilemma: Do you think eating meat is a crime?
NOOO!!!, Hell No!
Favorite food:
Steak, pop corn, Nutella, Oroville Redenbocker popcorn, Macaroni & cheese, Ballpark hot dogs, Fettucine Alfredo, Nachos, Burritos, Black Angus steak, Grilled anything, Other
Type of Ethnic food you like:
American, French, German, Mexican, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Other
Preferred beverage:
Water, Wine, other
Favorite Movies:
Favorite movies "The Princess Bride", "Big Fish", "Secondhand Lions" and "Hellboy".
Favorite Music:
Too many to list - I like all kinds of music - refuse to limit myself.
Favorite Books:
Favorite book is Heinlein's "Job - A Comedy of Justice" Other favorite authors are Stewart Farrar, Scott Cunningham - among others.
Favorite Quote:
Listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names:

Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.

You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites.

Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on earth.

For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the holy grail of immortality.

I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.

Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.
Favorite Website: (Info Only - no other communities please)
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan relation, Neopagan friends, Neopagan guide, Neopagan networking
Any Pets?
2 cats 2 dogs
grown and on their own
Erotic Orientation:
Normal, Confidential, Other
Political Orientation?
I think war is Immoral, Soldiers are heroes. I am glad the present administration is going home. I am neither Republican or Democrat. I am a political liberal and a fiscal conservative (which is the ONLY conservative thing about me)... personality or politics.
How would you like to end up?
Favorite Archeological site:
Best City in the World:
Miami or New Orleans
An Old Egyptian Vampire is inside the Great Cheope Pyramid at Giza, do you enter?
Yes absolutely!!, Yes but with a Garlic collar!!
Do you like Italian "Pandoro" Cake?
Don't know
About this site:
Too soon to say...hmmm...

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At 10:45am on December 7, 2008, DragonLady said…

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