Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Sasha West
  • Female
  • Krum, TX
  • United States
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Sasha West's Friends

  • Aria harman

Sasha West's Discussions

OK, random question...

Started this discussion. Last reply by thomas lirrik May 28, 2009. 4 Replies

Good Witchcraft Supply Websites

Started this discussion. Last reply by Sasha West Jun 3, 2009. 4 Replies


Sasha West's Page

Profile Information

Relationship Status:
Single, Maybe Looking
Zodiac Sign:
Do you remember your past lives?
not sure
Path or Tradition:
Solitary Green Witch
Do you have a religion?
High School
Magic of choice:
Earth-Gaia Magic, Natural Magic
Where you perform rituals?
inside your house, fields, rooftop, mental ritual
How do you perform your ritual?
very quietly, so as not to arouse suspision from my parents :/
Forest of choice:
The trees in my backyard ;p
Beach of choice:
Snake Bay, Costa Rica
Nothin' quite like black sand.
What about Drugs?...
I hate, Arrest the pusher!!
What about dancing?
Dancin' for the Gods
Food orientation:
Sushi lover
Favorite food:
Spaghetti, Steak, Pancakes, Belgian Waffle, Fried Eggs, Cotton candy, Lentil soup, Mediterranean anchovies, pop corn, Kosher dill pickles, Italian peperoni, Campbell's soup, Macaroni & cheese, Fettucine Alfredo, Grilled anything, Other
Type of Ethnic food you like:
Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Russian
Preferred beverage:
Water, Juice
Favorite Movies:
Psychological thrillers!
Favorite Music:
Contemporary rock, some Celtic rock, and New Age when i work!
Favorite Band:
Flogging Molly!
Favorite Books:
Anything with words.
Favorite Quote:
"The stupidest children act the most childish, and the stupidest grownups act the most grown-up."

C.S. Lewis
Favorite Website: (Info Only - no other communities please)
Partner Preference:
Searching for a Neopaganic adventure?
Neopagan relation, Neopagan friends
Any Pets?
2 dogs, 1 cat, 4 horses, 23 chickens, and a little brother
Pet Details?
Chase- Brown Lab

Saturn [I was 5!]- Tabby

Little Brother:
Still a Student
I'm 15!!
Erotic Orientation:
No sex please
People you like:
I love everyone except Paris Hilton.
People you hate:
Did you not just read the above?
Political Orientation?
Dictatorship with me in charge.
How would you like to end up?
Cremated, left on Mount Everest, eaten by a shark, buried inside a wall, Green burial
If you will be mummified, where?
Vatican cemetery
Favorite Archeological site:
Do the fossils in my yard count? My house was once under water!
An Old Egyptian Vampire is inside the Great Cheope Pyramid at Giza, do you enter?
Yes absolutely!!, Yes but with a Garlic collar!!
Do you like Italian "Pandoro" Cake?
Don't know
About this site:
Love it!!
Do you hate our Questionnaire or...??
OMG!!!, I love IT!!!!

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Comment Wall (5 comments)

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At 12:54am on December 24, 2009, Aria harman gave Sasha West a gift
At 12:57am on July 1, 2009, Aria harman said…
thanks for adding(: im 15 too! lol.
At 12:01pm on May 26, 2009, Rebecca (Community Moderator) said…
Hi Sasha, Thanks for your comments on my page... I've been away doing some traveling, but online for a bit... How is it going with those conversations? Any luck? I think this is a great community to support you and others like you, especially in your age range... Like lovin' george below.... hope all is well
At 4:52am on May 17, 2009, lovin george said…
hi sasha i saw ur comment on the newbies group...like u i m the only person interested in paganism in ma college...n my parents r pretty hardcore catholics...so i know wat ur goin thru...n i ve never told anyone except ma closest friends that i m into wicca..n i think its not really important to tell ur parents about wat u believe in bcoz spiritual experiences n believes ;ies in ur very personal sphere..n whether ur parents know abt it or not doesn t really matter...u only need to tell them in case ur parents coerce u to do somethin u don t believe in...since they themselves r not too religious that doesn t seem to be a problem...c ya ...bye
At 12:48pm on May 13, 2009, Rebecca (Community Moderator) said…

Thanks for joining us here. Saw your comment in the group 'newbies...' and wanted to encourage you to wander around profiles and the forum. You'll find folks interested to share their knowledge. Parents are another matter entirely!! So much depends on your relationship with them, as to how to approach this. I would simply say you are investigating, researching, etc to learn about the world, as a safe bet to start the dialog w/them. You can innocently ask them, "What do you know about Wiccan, Mom / Dad" and see what they say. My parents went through their upbringings as Catholics but since I was younger than you, they haven't been involved or interested. I don't know if I can help you but let me know if I can. PS This community is Neopagan, which welcomes all religions and all practitioners. Wicca is definitely growing in America. At this site we are also against any fundamentalism which seeks to eliminate freedom of speech / thought / practice of others. You might run across some very heated discussions about this in the forum, so keep an open mind. Welcome!

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