Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Every religion on the planet, and there are so many more than you are even
aware of, has the potential of absolute thriving. But when you think
you must prove that you have the only one that is right—and you use
your condemnation to push against the others—your condemnation
separates you from your own Connection that, before your condemnation,
were finding in your own religion.

--- Abraham

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Comment by Cameron S. on July 7, 2010 at 6:30am
Interesting quote my friend. ^_^
Comment by Rebecca (Community Moderator) on July 6, 2010 at 4:56pm
Yes, Nurul, I agree that religion is currently seeming more political than spiritual - at least from our outsiders view. Those inside those religions, practicing it, might have a different opinion.

But the reason I posted this quote and the reason I like it is because it expresses something I believe for Pagans and all other humans believing in a sort of religion... is that each can believe they are right, but once you use that to condemn others (and basically say how wrong the others are) then you have stopped practicing your religion and are 'out of it' spiritually. It's kind of a simple point - that condemnation of others who choose a separate path is blocking your own spirituality.
Comment by nurul azam on July 6, 2010 at 11:38am
if you talk about religion.i think.the one god base religion[3] is nothing but politic,they dont came for our hope,they came for rule us,they came to take control us,they came to destory our gourgious race.
look at the old japaness religion [shintoism]its a hope,save our wild land.same way [budha] told us live without fear with meditation.there is no rules but our life.
everything is proved before i born.the problem is,we dont choose our religion,we take it from our family,our old,our tradition,this is nothing but a need of every day brush,thats is the problem.

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