Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

If you're the creative type, you probably spend way too much time beating yourself up about how UNCREATIVE you are.  Well, your friend Hawthorne is here to help.  Many people think they have a clear idea of what it means to be creative, and a whole lot of myths have been built up around that notion. It may be too much to say that  Everything You Thought You Knew About Creativity is Wrong, but this week we'll bust some creativity myths that, hopefully, once you see past them, will unleash your inner creative genius.

Now, Nothing gets more in the way of your creativity than your own fears and inhibitions.  So, I want to share with you a whole bunch of very powerful tips on how you can Start Overcoming Fear, Right Now

From Ancient Greece, the Muses have inspired poets, musicians, writers,  and philosophers down the ages,  and they inspire us today.  We don't talk enough about them in modern Paganism.  Let's take a closer look at them this week.

Plus I have on tape a guided meditation for you to listen to.  This is called, "Creative Visualization".  

And if that's not enough, I have some  Amazing Quotes from well-known people, to Feed Your Creative Soul

Hope you enjoy the show!

Some of the music you'll hear on this weeks show include The Incredible StringBand: "Painting Box"; Enya: "Caribbean Blue"; Amber: "White Angel";Telling Point: "Seeking Voice"; Jaiya: "I Am All" and more.

Maybe you've composed a new poem and would like to hear it on the radio. If you want to submit audio to The Spiral Dance, send me an email.  There are basically no rules - just no harsh language, no commercial  self-promotion and no Christian-bashing.  Please let me know what you  think about the show. I'm always open to suggestions; email spiraldance1@ excite.com or radiohawthorne@yahoo.com

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