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Lena hope morris's Comments

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At 9:56am on January 28, 2013, Joan Mari Kierson said…

Lena O-Hann-Na: Means Family No One Lefted Behind Or For Gotten!!!!!

At 6:22pm on March 9, 2012, Holly Mannor said…
I can see that. :P
At 2:03pm on February 20, 2012, Shane LeMay gave lena hope morris a gift
lol agreed, plus some new friends and some old... that b entertaining... :) miss u :(
At 2:58pm on February 19, 2012, Shane LeMay said…

lena, u know i still love u no matter what... and i agree, if we where to get "the old gang" back together and just live with eachother im shure all of us would b atleast a little happier... :)

At 2:43pm on February 17, 2012, Karol-Ann Roberts said…

hi :) how are u doing today? any thing exciting happen?

At 8:51pm on February 10, 2012, Becky gave lena hope morris a gift
At 11:40am on January 31, 2012, Kheltic_Ryder said…

Thank you for adding me. I look forward to getting to know you.

At 11:29pm on January 23, 2012, Jillian Anka said…

Like a flash of life

Like a madman screaming

The criminal cry

Bella roaring pain,


As the rage of love

As an assault of joy


I see a spark of life

I hear a young minstrel sing

Beautiful roaring scream

Of joy and sorrow,

So extreme

There is a love in me raging

A joyous,

Magical feeling

Be Happy

Be Blessed

Be Peaceful

At 7:15pm on January 4, 2012, Shane LeMay said…

lena dont know how to send messages but there is the link http://pl.st/p/22886073099 try and figure out why there all on the same playlist

At 7:34am on December 16, 2011, Rebecca (Community Moderator) said…

Welcome to the community!

I saw your comments in the 'Newbies' group and happy to have you there too.  I would love to know more about how you practice natural magic.  There are several others here and everyone is slightly different... I'm not sure if anyone started a group on that topic to share ideas. If you want to lead that, go for it!  Again, Welcome!

At 10:25am on December 8, 2011, xander said…

as warm as the sun, and amazing as the sun setting on the horizon blesses be your day and the many that come

At 9:20pm on November 29, 2011, Carol Wheeler said…

At 1:22am on November 28, 2011, Jillian Anka said…

Dream Catcher

By Renee’


Like woven words they come

Into my room each night

Increasing, never ceasing

Until the morning light

Happy, joyous thoughts

And dreams of stately things

Slip through the Dream Catcher

As if on angel wings

Entering my state of slumber

As I lay upon my bed

No bad dream can enter

Caught by the Dream Catcher instead

Only dreams about you

Sweet caring and happy dreams

That is all my dream catcher will allow

Loving you and you loving me


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