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I grew up Christian, but I have since chosen to accept Pagan beliefs and worship the goddess as well. There has been quite a debate among my peers and friends that says that I can not be both. What do you think?

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Of course you can! If they truly believe then they should remember "All things are possible with God." Jesus didn't say anything about excluding your personality or beliefs. If the "Holy Trinity" are really one and infallible/unchangeable then this statement is what you need. Make no mistake, ones' Psyche is intertwined with Divinity. Modern science has proven that there is a whole section in your brain devoted to religion and spirituality, through CAT Scans.
In my own opinion the answer is no.Christiainty and paganism among other ancient religions don't mix well at all.
I think one can be Christian and still follow Pagan traditions but I personally don't. I was brought up Christian (in fact my family doesn't even know that I follow pagan traditions yet... I kinda fear their reactions...) but I found that historically, many of the pagan traditions were incorporated so people would worship the Christian god. But I have also found too many contradictions within the christain faith and have found myself turned off of it and have returned "back to basics" if you will. I find myself much happier now and have many less mental stresses over religion. But I digress, yes I feel that being christian and following pagan practices is fine, but I don't practise both... Okay so because of me hiding the fact I don't beleive the Christian faith anymore I still participate in the communion rituals... I feel guilty doing it though..
Follow your heart
Why couldn't you?
I mean a christian will say no because the foundation of christianity is belief in one god. But honestly who is anyone on this planet to tell you what you can and cant believe!!
Personally I don't clam any one religion because I see truth in many religions. And if you read alot of christian stories you can find pre-dated versions from another faith, so why not? Believe in whatever you want.
Well put!
thank you :P
since when does every pagan path practice witch craft? this is news to me!!!

Sure pagans dont see it as heaven and hell.... put last I checked in some way shape or form you will be punished for the bad things you do... whether it be 3 fold law, a craptastic reincarnation, shadlowlands... it all depends on your belief.

And here is a fun thought for the masses:
in genisis 1:26 when god is creating people he says, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness..." who in the nut is our and us? I thought god claimed to have done this on his own.... apparently he had some help ehh?
Christians aren't normally ones for accepting the truth but the religious practices are a blend of Roman paganism and Jewish beliefs. Most of the holidays are Roman holidays but I guess it boils down to what are your beliefs. I think the trinity makes Christians polytheist but that can be explained as three beings of the same god. Christianity that is practiced today would be very alien to Jesus himself which is why I lean more towards gnostic beliefs when it comes to Jesus. If your beliefs are rigid and there is only one god and no other then you can't be polytheist. If you believe God is a manifestation of supreme divinity (like my god Zeus) then I don't see why you can't be both. It may be that the divinity, the intelligent designer chooses to manifest himself/herself (I imagines the consciousness of the universe is beyond gender) as YHWH. Whatever the truth maybe, odds are we don't have a clue, all we can do is observe the power of nature, the energies in all matter, and that it's obvious that something very intelligent constructed it all.
Yes, you can indeed be both Christian and "Pagan." Take a look at the glyph of the tree of life in Ceremonial Magick. Now remember the Christ said, "No one comes to the Father, except through me." (Depending on the translation you use). We live in the realm of the Earth just below the lowest circle (Malkuth), the risen God is in the direct center of the glyph and must be passed through to reach the Highest. Elohim, the Feminine aspect is to the left as we look at the glyph and Chokma the Male aspect is to the right, and finally the eternal androgynous aspect is the Highest. This is the Akashic Spirit of Wicca. All paths intersect the seat of the Son, or risen God.
Ritual and Wiccan ceremonies use this structure heavily, whether they know it or not. Gerald Gardener was well versed in the ritual ceremonial and was at a degree within the path to form his own temple. The ceremonial path being very difficult to understand and apply without madness, frustration, or rebellion Gardener became the Martin Luther of magical paths. As Martin Luther gave the bible to man, Gardener gave ceremonial to the common man/woman without the frustrations so often encountered along the path.
As near as I can tell, the idea of one god was an edict of a pharoh of Egypt. God's first name was Amon, then the Israelites brought this idea out of Egypt and made it their own, removing the feminine from common use. Though any knowledgeable Jewish person could tell you about Elohim.
So, the way you understand your beliefs is what is important, not what someone else says. Christianity adopts new beliefs all the time, as well as practices. Some are even accepting Freemasons! Unheard of 30 years ago!!
i realy don't see why you cant be by simply following "the golden rule" (it is called that for reason)which came from the lips of Jesus himself,love your brother or sister as you do yourself,treat others as we want them to treat us,if someone is hurt heal them,if someone is hungry feed them.to be a christrian means to be christ like,showing mercy and compassion and simply being nice to one another are you not walking the same path that Jesus walked.most paths claim that it is whats in the heart that matters right.
  I follow the same belief, it is what is in the heart and spirit that matters most deeply! Religions are creations of man! Spirituality and our personal oneness with that spirit is the creation of spirit (or God/dess). A spiritual path is not one of rebellion against a path, it is a discovery of what helps you follow the very morality you discussed! For some it is Wicca, for some it is found deep within Cabbalistic teaching, and for others it is found within REAL Christianity (not that bogus political crap)!!! It sounds as though you are on a path of very decent enlightenment, whatever that path may be, by all means continue; it has you thinking correctly!!


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