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Svadhistana Sex Meditation


Start with focus on breath meditations,count as you slowly breath in and out. Count these breathes to ten and then start over again. When you feel comfortable with this, letting go of all tensions, turn your attention to your sacral (sex) chakra. This is located between your belly button and your pubic area. Concentrate and visualize this area glowing with a warm pink light. If you have a mantra, start to hum it now___as your meditation progresses imagine this warm pink light connecting with a partner...see it in your minds eye travel along the ground to where they are until both of your chakras connect. Concentrate on the sensation of being near them and in divine union with them...what are you experiencing? Try to remember what happens and keep a journal to record your reactions....It can take a while to accomplish the whole exercise but once you make the connection you will become more and more skilled at it...good luck!


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