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At 7:22pm on June 25, 2017, sharon said…
Hi Sam. Been a while but too much has happened that I've been unable to keep up with things in my life. Back in Saudi again for now so can do some catching up. If you still want to chat let me know Have a good one
At 3:49am on November 14, 2012, sharon said…

Its been 6 years waiting for that green card so Im taking things as they come. 

With the recession Im hoping its later as finances are a bit problimatic over on the Southern end of Africa.  The while pagan festivities are a bit flat here as my small town as a very small following (as it were) but a few friends and I have a few things planed so it wont be totally non existant.  I think the festive part of it is going to bee indoors though as its alot of thunder and lightening outside.

How did you fair with Hurricane Sandy?? I hope alls ok as from what I saw on CNN and Email friends she was one mean lady.

At 4:51am on September 7, 2012, sharon said…

Home is great - I spent most of the blue moon night on the beach. Post ritual I got to chill on the rocks and watch the surf wave by. Its rained quite a bit too and the parents think Im nuts as I sit outside on the tree stump and watch the lightening and get soaking wet while the thunder rolls by. We get spring - into - summer rainfall. Im still waiting for that green card to go to the States (been waiting 7 years now) so we will see what happens in the future.  For now Im chilling at home and working at the local hospital while organinsing the pagan drive for christmas so I can give the local children in the childrens home a present this year.  Got to start these things early as theres always promises that never come to fruit so its alot to organise.  Alls good.

At 5:19am on May 29, 2012, sharon said…

Hi Sam.  Im home.  Been taking lots of walks on the beach chilling with the wild life.  The Faigies and cosmos are in bloom and the honey birds are fighting for the vilda-dagga flowers that have been allowed to grow wild in my garden.  I feel more balanced since Ive got water back in my life again.

Dragon has since been made and Ive settled for water since Ive descovered that Im so prone to imbalance without it.  Living in the desert for 2 years has taught me alot - Im defenently a water child! The sttings done but the stone still has to be inserted.  I decided to do that here as its more "me" if you know what I meed

At 8:51pm on February 10, 2012, Becky gave Sam Morgan a gift
At 1:47pm on September 24, 2011, sharon said…

Thanks it helped alot.  I like the Serpentine and Spider Jasper idea. serpentines good for grounding and As the original idea was to have a dragon that symbolised all the elements a spider jasper would work too. Ill do some magic of my own and see if I can gain some answers to the choices ill place before them.  Maby the little guy will like them and give me a positive answer for once.

 Ill have to use the net as I dont think you would find those here in Saudi as they dont believe in the pagan/esoteric thing.  Their world can be very narrow sometimes.

At 4:47am on September 11, 2011, sharon said…

Im thinking of blue or green.  blue is calming and soothing and green is calming and remembers growing things.  Water, Moon and Spring growth - a good combination.  My little dragon will have wings and a tail that curves round to form the ring itself.  The original idea was to use him in ritual as a helper and balancer but I made a plaster helper who sits on my ultar and watches so the idea got stashed. I came across him sitting in my scetch pad and feel the time is now right to bring him into the real world - little rat is probably sitting in the astrial world laughing at my delema instead of helping me choose the stone he is going to have to live with. 

Dragons all have fire of the spirit, the watery emotion, the airy widsom and intelegence and the solidity of the earth in their bones. They can get vengeful and angry or friendly and helpful - either way they have to be treated with respect.

At 12:02pm on September 6, 2011, sharon said…

I hope she stays serious as its a great Path to follow and everyday is exciting as a person sees the world in a whole different way.  With magic all around everything is brighter and more of a mystery.

The stone has always been a problem which is why he has been on paper so long.   Silver is a great metal as it possesses moon mystry and is quite versatile but possesses quite strong vibrations of its own,  I was thinking of a protection stone but it needs to tone down or compliment the silver.  Im a bit sensitive to their energy and have learned form experience to keep things subtle if I want to wear them as the headache and wobbly feel can be unbelievable.

At 12:57pm on September 1, 2011, sharon said…

Loosing interest is a sure sign that its not the chosen path for them  - lifes not as glamerous as Harry Potter makes it out to be!!  If she is serious then I suggest a practical approach as its easier to understand if one is doing it rather than just sitting in a classroom.  Ive always found the way that the Path links up with the magics of the Earth, elements and spiritual realms facinating and through doing as well as reading Ive learnt alot - Our Lady has provided me many an inprompto teacher while walking outside in Her wilds.  You have an excellent grasp on things as far as I can tell so you will do well as a teacher and guide.  If she needs a girl to talk to then hook us up and we can compare a few notes.  It may teach me a thing or two aswell.

At 12:55pm on September 1, 2011, sharon said…

Fire is wild and gets out of hand if you are not careful (speaking from experience here). My quartz knife helps to keep things steady.  I do use circles but tend to be more of a spontaneous sort which has got me into trouble more than once!! Ive learnt to balance the flow of magics when working with the elements to keep things in a steady flux rather than out of control.  Dont get me wrong as theres nothing wrong with a little spontinaety but ones health is also good - according to my level headed guardian/guides anyway.  Quarts makes a good conducter aswell so it can amplify energues if required.  I descovered this by accident when I ended up with a magical headache after a working once - it lasted quite an uncomfortable while.

Cats bounce in and out as they please and cross bounderies.  Its why they make good familiars.  Even with a complete circle they come and go as they feel.  Morgan can send her energies right through the barrier.  Ive given a great deal of thought to this and think that as they are most alligned with your energies the familiarity aids in their movements through your own energies to assist or guide as the need arises.  I think that anyones familiar no matter the kind have this ability but it depend on if their aid is wanted as to how much they are willing to help.

At 6:36pm on June 2, 2011, Santana said…
i found this website in a book. im not sure what magic i like yet im looking around to see. i love natural things though.
At 4:11am on April 24, 2011, sharon said…

Love and let live - that my motto.  As long as it stoped making my life a misery I could live with him and we got along just dandy in the end. 

Nowadays I see them a lot more and I think my profession and my Path has something to do with it as it opens up the channels so to speak.  I get more intuitive feeling then I used to and Ive learnt to act on them.  If something tells me to get up and check on a patient I usually find them in distress or needing something urgent.  Ive stopped quite a few crises with a little help from the resident entity population.  They make good seeing eye dogs when you are buisy and dont have time to rub bubbles together.  Its rather sad that not all the medical staff take the time to listen to them as they can be good teachers and watchers if you let them.


At 3:32am on April 20, 2011, Rebecca (Community Moderator) said…
At 11:16am on April 19, 2011, sharon said…

I was pretty young and stupid back then and he was a whole bundle of trouble to begin with so I never paid much attention until things got a bit out of hand.  Items dissapeared and some wierd noises were heard and you got all goose bumpy when he was near.  At first there were a whole lot of negative vibes which were not all that pleasant and there was the feeling of being stared at.  It was really creepy and  he made life a misery to be in the flat with.  When I had a get together with friends he could really rain the parade and the gatherings broke up rather earlier than usual.

 I guess he learned that I can be rather stuborn and refused to move so after the ritual he became tollerant and then  friendy-like.  Im not to sure what he was but I know it was a he.  Personally I think he was just working through some stuff and wanted to be left alone. We ended up coexisting rather well in the end.   Apparently some other owners had tried to have him exorcised and it may have made him angry - I just leave them in peace mostly and let them get on with whatever theyr doing.  Its only when they get rowdy that I tend to yell - it usually works!

Either way once it was found that neither of us was going to budge a peaceful existance in the flat occured and our relationship got a whole lot more productive.  Got any thoughts??

At 11:16am on April 18, 2011, sharon said…

My story is rather mundain.  Ive always had a friend Jenna who was a third generation witch and weve been friends since first grade unitl she passed away.  Ive always had an "Esoteric" bent and was into alternative healing from a very early age though Ive been too lazy to study officially and get deplomas.

Moving into my first flat I discovered that it had a resident which is why the more solid residents never stayed long!! It would have been nice to find this out before the move.  Anyway my life was a missery untill I complained to Jenna and her mom.  They came over and I cast my first "spell" when I inadvertently twisted theirs by telling Mr Poltergeist to behave himself or move out.  He stayed and I had a permanent friend after that. 

And thats how it bacame official and I started on the Solitary Road, though I think looking back I was dabbling in it for a very long time before that with the alternative methods I was studying all along. And thats my story.

I never found tha cards and Ive decided the new deck is not for me so Ive made a wall hanging out of them. Im sticking to runes untill I can find an new deck.  It wont be here in Saudi but Ill find one on my travels eventually when the Universe deams the time is right.  Ive decided that She has decided I need an upgrade as Ive had those since highschool.

unfortunately the Moon was obscured by rain clouds and rather large reaidrops fell stingingly hard.  Im not complaining as we need the rain here and as Im planning a desert trip Ill get to see some rare desert flowers in bloom.  I could feel the energies though and that was enough.


At 10:43am on April 9, 2011, sharon said…

Its a great story and so different from the others Ive heard that it has meaning.  You wont believe the stories I get when I ask that question!  Ive heard everything from goth novels to Harry Potter (Im not joking here).  Sometimes I dont think people know what they want and continue searching for answers in the wrong places so my question becomes a vague unanswered one. 

The Fates have a way of closing the door to keep the balance of life when things get out of kilter and Ive descovered it does no good to question them but its better to walk with them instead.

Ive always senced them but theyve become more solid since Ive started nursing. they seem to hang around the medical wards for some reason and the older the building the more there are.  Ive traveled extensively and its always been the case that I see them roaming around old buildings and in the ruins and yards.  Ive even seen them in the Sterkfontien and Bergersdorp caves though no others that Ive spoken to have.

As one gets older does he truelly get wiser or does he/she simply get more accepting of life and the path that was followed??  I asked my 95 year old gran that once and she said that to be truely wise is to be happy with life, change for the better that which you can and leave that which you cant.  As she doesnt even take bloodpressure tablets and remembers the horse-drawn carriages and trams in Post Elizabeth she may have a point!

Thankyou for sharing your story with me.


At 1:11am on March 29, 2011, sharon said…

That must have been terrifying to a child - especially with nobody to talk to about it.  It would have probably been put down to imagination anyway as adults always do that. You were lucky to have them teach you though it must have been somethig really special once you got used to them being around!

 I think the Path is alot easier nowadays with books available and the Craft being more open but I also think its loosing something special in the process as when things become easier the effort becomes a laxy-dazy affair.  In South Africa as its still frowned upon and the Singomas tend to be untrustworthy - dabbling in things they shouldnt be messing with.  I have learnt alot about herbs and such from them but thats as far as Ill go as dealing with the Spirits for spiteful means is not something I want to get into.

Do you mind telling me the name and author of that book you mentioned as I think it would be worth reading of you say its worth keeping and I hope you continue your story to its ending?

And Ive finally posted photos

At 11:33am on March 26, 2011, sharon said…

The decks called the Rider White (or something like it) anyway Im not entirely happy with it bit beggers cant be chosers I guess.  Anyway its new so Ill give it a chance and see where it leads.

Ive never been into the whole christian thing as it dosent entirely make sence.  The whole "just believe" and "have faith" thing never did gell.  Jennas mother said it was because I thought about things too much rather than just letting it go.  Even after all these years I still pull ideas apart and disect details - doesnt sound Aquerian does it?!  Im a firm believer in ghosts and entities and pagan matters so I care little about what others think of me. Ive grown up enough to know that what seems right to others is not necessary the right path for me to follow.

How did you get into the craft if you dont mind me asking?

You should go down to the beach on a stormy day.  Its exhilirating to stand there watching the waters churn while the wind blows against your face and the gulls ride Her curents.  If you are really lucky you can hear whispers of wisdom in Her whistle after all the winds see all. 

At 8:11pm on March 22, 2011, sharon said…

I never found them so had to find a new deck which I dont really like but  I dont use them much as I prefer runes but theyr good for clarifying things.  I got rather fond of the old deck which I used to hide under the bed so the Christian parents didnt see so I guess the universe decided I needed an upgrade.

Theres always birds here - I the constant water supply is a haven in the desert, but theyr a bit more seasonal at home.  The swallows are nesting under my South African roof and the rats of society (pigeons) are always present.  Even if the Apocolypse happened I dont think they would budge.  What types of neighbours do you have?

It must be nice having a witchy friend.  The net is as far as I get nowdays.  The muslems here dont (and will never) understand so Im pretty isolated.  Surrounded by Muslems and Chirstians now theres a bundle of fun!

Full moon was 20th.  I got a fantastic view as I walked home. She was so bright that I could didnt need light - did my "dancing" in the Mosque park as the flowers are nicer and I was alone.

I got my beach fix!! I spent just every day  walking the boardwalk, along beach sand, climbing over rocks to check out the residents in the rockpools and surfing - spent it swiming instead (kept falling off).  I did alot of beach cleaning - It makes me crazy why people cant just use the dustbins provided!  I feel much better for it.

I came to the conclusion that transparents are the heirachy  - they only arive when theres something important.  I dont know if anyone whould agree with this but Ive found that whenever they arive something profound happens.  I find them creepy in the way they just appear and then dissapear. One things for sure Ive found that ignoring them can lead to BIG trouble for me.

Ive brought a couple of books with me and am reading fallen angel at the moment.  Its ok but if all angles were that mixed up its no surprise they were kicked out of Heaven. 

At 1:00am on March 18, 2011, sharon said…
Well back from holiday and a 17 hour trip later Im back in the swing of things once more - and may I say your a genius Sam. Took that wired old rock of mine home and left it under the ground by my cape mahogony tree (so Id find it again) for the three weeks I was away. Sun, ocean air and some loving soil later and shes as good as gold. Hear from you soon?

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