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Heart Awakening Transmission By Mei-lan Maurits


At this time, the Divine is asking for us to open our hearts and be a vessel of healing, love, beauty, peace, and compassion for the world. When we choose to open our hearts, we release our pain, fears, and worry -- and choose trust, healing, and love.

Dear soul, it takes courage to open, and if you breathe into your heart now, you may feel a readiness; a willingness; a timeless devotion and remembrance.

Allow your heart to open in love and to merge with the sacred tones and frequencies of this sound healing transmission. The vibrations will assist you in releasing, letting go, and clearing your heart so that you can love yourself, life, and the Divine more fully than ever before.

May you receive a deep healing through these sacred sounds, beloved one, as you awaken your heart into pure joy, peace, and alignment with Source love.

With all my heart,

~ Mei-lan

Infinite Blessings that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You of God's Love, Enlightenment, Peace, Healing, Joy, & Abundance,


Video - "Heart Awakening Transmission" - https://youtu.be/yT_3B3iwUZI


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