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God Consciousness & The Great Spirit

By Bill Walker

I have read many views about spirit and how we are somehow separate from the one source (God). I have a hard time with this way of viewing our existence. We are not individual spirits separated from the one spirit, we are the spirit that floats inside of God.  I look at our existence like we are the neurons that flow freely around, and inside, the mind of this great creator. We are Gods thoughts and not the thoughts of God that float freely outside in an unrelated universe. And yes, as we grow, and learn, and experience, so does this ultimate creator. We are all one, on different paths, within the same mind, or thought, occupying the same spatial universe.


     We are always allowed to make the same mistake over, and over, again, and again, until we find the answer that best suits are needs before we move on to the next challenge. We are only held accountable when we try to alter someone else’s path in a way, or manner, that is not conducive to the path that they are experiencing this is also known as karma. In other words, when we try to change, or control, their freedom of will we have stepped beyond what consciousness has permitted on a social level. And even then, we are always forgiven, because the pathways that we travel on are such that we will eventually see, or find, truth. In the end, spirit truth can not be escaped, no matter how hard one might try to ignore it.


     Everything, as far as I’m concerned, light and dark as well, is present inside this great expanse that we know by many names, but which all make up one great and magnificent spiritual universe. And we are that spirit, it is our vessel to create within, for-ever-more!


     And we should never fear this creation that we are helping to expand, this universe is all of ours to share equally!  

Love, light, and peace.

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