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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Well, I just wanted to comment on the state of the world, more like post my opnion I guess for whatever it's worth.

I always seem to be in a state of WTF when it comes to what humans are capable of doing to each other and I almost always have a WTF attitude in the response of people when these "doings" happen. When I was growing up I simply could not understand the concept of borders, territories, and the thisis OUR ocean space and this is OUR border so don't cross it or we'll kill you. WTF? Don't we ALL have to live on this planet? Don't we ALL need to eat, drink, and take comfort knowing the community we live in will give us the support we need when needed? The older I get the more disgusting atrocities I see being commited and it just makes me sick to my stomach. There are just so many people in oposition to each other it is mind blowing.

You have the good old "Christians" constantly telling people what sinners they are, how they SHOULD live according to the "good book", and determining who is going to this so called place they like to refer to as Hell. Hmmm...these are the same people who molest children, beat their wives/kids, commit adultry, suck money from others for their "Jesus" water for $19.95 and oh, if you arder now we'll give you this "Holy Bible"..bout makes me want to puke. Miracle water for $19.95, well, I think someone at the Shriners Hospital should send in for that shit and fuck the doctors, just sprinkle "Holy Water" on the kids who are dying and PRESTO!! They SHALL BE HEEEAALLLED!! I amazed that people who have the ability to think, to rationalize, and to look at FACTS will say the bible is THEE ABSOLUTE TRUTH..no if ands or buts about it, period. Why, it was written by the lord almight himself so EVERY word in truth. Hmm...I guess never mind the geologists, historians and scientists who can PROVE most of it is just plain UNTRUE and most of the things simply DID NOT and OOULD NOT have happened. But, "Christians" are die hards I'll give them that. Now, I am not an athiest by any means but how we got here, and what happens after we die is anybodys guess cuz there isn't a person on this planet who knows where we go after we die. What a person believes is relevant to the culture he/she comes from. Christianity, Muslem, Islam..and for the most part ALL religions seem to like to point fingers and say "my God is better then your God, my God is better then yours, my God is better cuz He is more powerful, my God is better then yours"..(for those of you who remember the Kennelration dog food commercials you'll get the tune) Anyhoo..I don't begrudge what people want to believe, what pisses me off is the constant condemnation, judgement, and out right atrocities that these MAN made religions bring about to those who differ from what they believe. We have crazy ass Muslims killing people all over the place and then we want to bitch about them being profiled..yea, they are being profiled cuz they are KILLING us!! Doesn't mean ALL Muslims are bad but hey, ya gotta do what ya gotta do to protect the human race from being slaughtered. If they (I speak of Muslims) don't like it then they can go the fuck back to whatever middle eastern country they came from and fuck them. If the Russians were doing what they, Muslims, are doing I'd say the same thing. You don't have to like or accept everything all people do..but STOP killing them for it..if you don't like what someone else believes or how someone is living his/her life then move the hell on and don't bother that person, provided the person isn't causing harm to someone, then you need to at the least report it.

I see no reason for people to be starving to death, to not get at least basic health care, to not be able to go to the dentist when their teeth are totting out, to not get care and not get support when they need it. If you choose to be an asshole and do bad things all your life then you get what you get, but for the most part I think most people are good, I think most peoople deserve to be happy in whatever endeavor(s) they have, and to have love and be loved whether it's by the same sex or opposite sex..who the hell cares. People are being murdered all over the place, women are being raped and the rapist is getting a whole 3 months in jail, children are being beaten and sexually molested, animals are being tortured and we worry about someone being a homosexual? Serious? So sad.

Why can't we all just chill, gel, and at the least get along enough so EVERYONE can at least have some kind of happiness in their life? It's not that hard, the human race is slowly going to die out because of our own stupidity and cruelness towards each other. If you don't like someone stay away but let that person live just as others let you live.

I hope when I take my last breath my last thoughts will be good and whatever is wating on the other side is good. No, I'm not perfect, and yes, I have done some not so nice things..but I truely regret those not so nice things and I have done what I can to make up for it. I would like to pass on to the next life knowing I did the best I could, loved the best I could, and did what I could for others.

Peace to all on this Earth.

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It always getz worse before it getz better...whether in your minds eye or everyone's reality....should'nt upset yourself with everyone's insanity...itz not healthy....think good thoughts or at least try to and you might see the good in life other than just the bad...we must conquere our OWN shadows and unless we are actual bureaucrats what can we do, we are each only one being that greases the wheel...keeps mouths fed...roofs over heads...many ppl take pains NOT to lead a sloppy existence and you have no idea about the true realm of leading stupidity around by the nose WITH cruelty unless you actually come from Boston...it has GOT to be THE meanest place on earth...and shirt collars are places where any stupid neck can duck...with acclarity!


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