Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Things are rough for all of us, the recession/depression whatever you call it is hitting us hard. Yet, I find that I am happy. I have no explanation for it... life isn't any easier for me than anyone else.

The funny thing is that I didn't know I was happy. It isn't something I think about ya know? I just go along each day doing what needs to be done. In one weeks time I was called "sweet" or complimented on how nice I am, by customers. I work in a collection department so that isn't something I hear every day. Then the other day.. a woman I work with walked past me and asked me something that made me think about being happy. She asked me why I was smiling. I said I didn't know. She then commented "is there ever a time when You aren't smiling?" I laughed and said perhaps when I am sleeping.

My question to each of you is simple. Are you happy? What makes you happy? What can make you feel good each day? I know my answers.. what are yours?

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There have been news articles lately about "nature deficit" in children and how natural settings calm them and help them focus. I think it works for adults, too, unless they're worried about bugs and dirt.But then I also read lately there's some bacteria in dirt(soil) that prevents depression!
I agree that the state of the world in general stinks. I watch the news and read articles on the current state of affairs. I recently watched a program on the history channel that basically says that the current world market is mimicing the 1920 crash... with 2 differences. One is that the stock market crashed then.. while now it was the housing market (mortgages for people with poor or no credit... there were even mortgages given to dead people in GA). The other difference is the "bail out" the government gave to the banks... in the 20's the advisors and president said to let it ride and see what would happen. Will we end up in a depression? It is possible.

While the world is in the toilet and we are all frightened by what will happen. I can't let it control my daily life. I need to find happiness to stay sane. I find peace at least once a day just by communicating with the Goddess. It doesn't change the outcome of what the world is doing... but in my daily life I find that I can still smile and make others smile. That makes me happy.


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