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I have been a student of the old ways for many years. I love the Norse Eddas and the art of sedir. Recently I was informed that to follow the once ways of the Norse one must be of European decent. I myself do indeed have Indo-European ansestery ,altho Irish but I also have African blood. Does this exclude me?

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nah, I think that if you have a bit of euro blood in you and are willing to follow that path then you will be accepted. norse anthology does focus alot on bloodlines, but with your european background I doubt anyone would exclude you. What you could do, just to be sure, is look into your ancestors and find out a bit more about your own bloodline. I think there are quite a few websites for this.
Thank you and indeed I have explored my ancestery and am looking forward to exploring the old norse path.
As someone from the Northern Tradition, this is an issue that does cause debate even within the religion. For some people, those who are Folkish in their practice, they do believe that this is an ancestral religion. For some Folkish this means you must be a blood descendant of this culture, for other Folkish Asatru so long as you are a descendant through blood or adoption then you qualify as well. To a folkish asatru they don't care what ethnicities you may be comprised of, but having the genealogical pedigree is considered important. As long as you have some ancestral connection to this culture, then you're good to go. Since we are a religion that not only worships the Gods & Goddesses, but also the land vaettir, and our ancestors... having an ancestral connection to this culture is considered necessary for a Folkish Asatru.

Folkish however, is but a small denomination within the vastness of the Northern Tradition, so for other believers such as myself... we don't care about your personal ancestry. If you come to our path to honor the Gods, the ancestors and the land vaettir within the context of our cosmology, then you are a member of the Northern Tradition. Period.

There is a very, very small percentage of folks touting this religion in conjunction with the truly racist ideology of white supremacy. These idiots don't know their own history (Odinists were sent to the concentration camps along with the Jews in WW2, and in the lore the Gods sleep around with everyone indisciriminately).
Thank you verymuch. You commet was very enlighting. Blessed be.
No. You're not excluded. Simple as that.
What is racism anyway? I come from a country where it has just recently been kicked to the curb and I feel that it was name such by a bunch of old folks who were insecure and needed "rules" so dont let others opinions sway what you feel is right in the path you want to follow. If religion ever whent that way everyone would all be in serious trouble and religion as it stands would have died out centuries ago and the Old ones would be long forgotten. The path you choose is yours alone to follow so learn and grow as you travel and dont stop and stagnate. My country learnt that the hard way.


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