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June 7th is the full moon, The Strong Sun Moon. Someone said this is the time to honor Persephone, Isis and Cerridwen (or just pick one, personally I'm closer to Isis and Persephone) but I'm not quite sure how. The Strong Sun Moon is the time when spring has fully taken over and the fields are blooming...but I don't know how to honor these goddesses...help??

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My Pagan group decided to call on Ishtar this time. However the way we celebrated was pretty standard. We called upon the 4 elements/quarters, then we all read part of an invocation clockwise around the circle, after that we blessed our sacred "bread" see cookies :) and our sacred wine see fruit juice (there were children present). Everyone was given bread and "wine" we said a chant and then we offered part of our cookie and juice to the Goddess/goddesses by putting it into a ritual bowl. Then we had a benediction counter clockwise we thanked the elements/quarters. After all that we gave the offering to the earth by which I mean we reverently placed the offered wine and bread on the lawn.
I hope this helps but truthfully every ritual is personal and unique and I think it means more if you do it the way you feel you should not the way anyone tells you to.
Thank you so much! I'll take your advice and I'll try to make my rituals more personal, but I might use some of your ideas too, if that's okay ^_^
That would be fine :)


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