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This is for people with air element energy (but can also be for those who want to use air element). Wind manipulation is the wrong term for any element usage, because we don’t manipulate anything, we work with….this is why I like the term “Element Bending”. This is the basic guide/root of all energy work. To better understand, we first must understand that all of the elements are within us and they work together within us. Our body is made up of more than 70% of water, as the blood flows it heats up our body, the blood flows because of our breathing, and last our skin holds it all together. Now we are going to focus on wind-bending. All of us have this natural ability, but we barely notice it as bending. We can bend wind when we fan someone, when we blow out a candle. This is the basis of wind bending. This is a form of bending because we are using our body to move through the air…when we understand this we can work better with our body and the air around us to work as one.

Basic training #1:
1) Take a candle, and light it. now just notice how it feels to blow it out with your breath (if it doesn’t blow out right away…keep doing it and notice how much air you have to breath in to blow it out). Try it at different distances, and notice/feel the air as you breathe in and blow it out. Try this a few times until you have fully felt how to use the air with your lungs.

2) Now that you have felt the air inside of you, it’s time to try to work with the air around you. Use the same candle and light it again. Now with your hand try swinging it back and forth near the flame to get a feel how your body and air work together. After that, try swinging your hand (fingers together) and stop with your hand pointing at the candle and see if you can blow out the flame. Keep doing this until you get it with one try. (HELPFUL HINTS: try swinging in different styles, to see which works better.)

3) once you get that down try using more candles, set them in a row and try to blow out all the flames with your hand…also try moving your hand like you were holding a whip (except your hand his flat and fingers are together). Keep doing this until you have been able to blow all the flames out in one try. Once you have done that try moving the candles further apart and keep trying until you get them all to go out.

This is the basic training of wind energy work, even if you feel/think this is stupid. Remember the basics are essential, and to ignore them, loses all sight of energy working. Plus this will teach your body and the element to work together in harmony. There are more steps on the way but make sure you try these steps before moving on.

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COOL !!! how about fire-bending? i think im more connected to it..
that will be another forum post...lol but i shall work on that.....i am not connected to that element as much but i shall figure out a good one for those who are
or earht bending?


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