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- The Solitary Witches Blessing -

From those who walk the Solitary path,
Send you blessings in peaceful grace,
So that you may find your way,
To where ever be your mystic place.

Come the changing of the seasons,
In many shapes, colors, and strengths.
Even then we whisper words,
Of power and intellect at length.

We are the solitary Fae,
Be it because of choice or right.
Cast our spells not just at night,
For the worlds terrible plight.

So merry met, merry part, and merry met again.
That even when the North winds blow,
Or the South plains crumble, or the East Sea's roar,
Perhaps when the West fire burns.

Blessings on on the creatures of this world,
The they the large or small,
The black or white,
Blessings to you, blessings to you all.

-Willow Phoenix of the Solitary Fae
A.K.A Nikki

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Replies to This Discussion

This is awesome! You should post it in the Group Pagan Poetry... They'd LOVE it for sure. Also, you posted this on my bday, I just thought that was cool. :)
I love this :) very cool


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