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I am an eclectic pagan. My belief system is based on earth magicks. (that is a very basic explanation of my belief system :))

I am interested in other beliefs. I finished my search for the path I needed, but I am a curious person. I really know very little about all the different beliefs I have seen mentioned here and on different sites. I know some things about Wiccan and Druid... but nothing at all about Chaos Magick, Dark Magick and Nocturnal Magick to name a few. Anyone who does practice these magicks... can you give me a brief explanation of what you base your belief system on? Just curious. Thanks

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I practice Chaos Magick, but its a bit complicated to practice because chaos is fickle and gives away only a small amount of energy for use. The only thing you need to do is Be Logical, Be Agressive and Be Asertive. Because if you aren't, well your not gonna get all the energy you need for a spell. But the best part is, Chaos Magick is generic and can be used for any kind of spell. The best way to used chaos magick is when your angry or have very negative emotions.
Thanks HM! I think I understand that Chaos Magick uses negative emotions... I don't quite understand how but that is just me. :) Is Chaos Magick a spiritual path/ leaning or just a type of Magick? Do you call on any spirits or Gods to help you? Again just curious. Thanks!
Thanks for responding cynical. I am actually comfortable with my belief system and not looking to change. I am like a cat... curiousity and all that. :) When people say they believe differently than I do.. I accept that. I am also curious as to why and what their beliefs are based on. Before I embraced my beliefs I was a kinda sorta Christian. In other words I went to church because my mother made me. :) I started looking for "something else" in my teens, (which was back when Dinasaurs roamed the earth) and investigated Buddhism, Hinduism, various Christian religions, Judaism, Wicca and Druidism. When I discovered that I am not tied to any specific path... but a path that is ME I finally became comfortable. That has not dampened my desire to learn about others and the paths they have chosen.

I am eclectic pagan... .tied to earth and season. My magicks are part of me and mine. I have innate abilities that I knew about from childhood on... but was considered odd or "evil" (I was raised... and still live.. in the middle of the bible belt). My belief system is based on honor, kindness, acceptance, honesty and positivity. All of the things love is supposed to be. When someone embraces a belief system different than mine... I like to know why, what strength do they get from it, what is their purpose. Just curiousity. :)
I am kemetic, a follower of Isis and the Aton , my name is derived from the lion goddess of Egypt, and the Hindu goddess of death and know;ege
I am a Theistic Satanist and Demonolator. Essentially, I consider myself to be a "Concordant Satanist" in that I combine aspects of both Theistic and LaVeyan Satanism into my path. As for the Demonolatry - it is more 'working with' Demons as opposed to literally 'worshiping' them - 'to worship' insinuates being less than or subordinate to a greater being - and I do not consider myself to be inferior to any deity. I view them as 'big brothers and sisters' - to be respected and honored, but not cowed to.

I literally worship Satan a deity - as opposed to LaVeyan Satanists who use Satan as a symbol of individuality.
Excellent... I have a question for you Torey. You sound very knowlegable...so perhaps you can answer some questions for me. Again I am not being snarky.. I really want to understand. I have often wondered about Satanism. Satan was an angel that was "cast out" by god ... or so it says in the bible. So since Satan and Hell are Christian ideals... would Satanism be anti-christian or reverse christianity?
It can be for some:) There are many forms of Satanism, and some Satanists really do believe in the Christian mythos and basically accept what the Bible says as truth - they just 'side with the bad guy', so to speak lol These are generally called Christian Duotheists or Christian Heretics.

Most Theistic Satanists, including myself, don't accept the Bible's definition of what Satan is and His origins. We look at Satan as being of pre-Christian origin - another god, just like Yawheh (the Christian God). We do not believe that Yawheh created Satan nor that Satan was ever an angel. We believe that Satan is a god himself - just like Zeus, Thor, etc. Yawheh is also a god. These two gods compete to be the "God of Man", the God of this World. Yawheh, in His competition with Satan, obviously wishes people to despise and turn from Satan. Satan, on the other hand, is not as outright. He believes that if mankind wishes to walk beside Him then it will come to Him of its own accord.

Satan, to us, does not keep souls hostage in "Hell". Souls are free to roam where they choose. We don't believe that Satan is interested in souls at all, nor is any other God. What Satan gets out of worship and acknowledgment is the same thing that any deity gets out of it - an exchange of energy.

So really it can be broken down into a few categories:

Christian Duotheists/Heretics = believe that Satan is a fallen angel and that Satan is evil and choose to side with Him
Polytheistic Satanists = believe that Satan is a pre-Christian deity, vilified by followers of Yawheh.
Thanks.. that explains a lot for me. I didn't know there were so many different sects related to "satanism". Thaks for the insight... mucho appreciated!


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