Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Here we are, come one come all!

Gather 'round to the Wytches' Ball

The moon is rising high up in the sky

Through the wood the Elves did fly

Until the Faerie Castle they did reach

They went to dance the night away

The Grand Elven Ballroom lit so bright

Music could be heard in the night

Toes were tapping, elvens singing

Fiddles playing...bells a' ringing

Faeries parading in every colour

Masks a' glittery & wings a' flutter

The Wytches' fiendishly were laughing

They sat a' cackling & a' clapping

Ooooh's & Ahhhh's heard all here & there

Faeries all dancing up in a square

The desserts were fine all filled with fruit

Especially spiced with eyes of newt

The food, The cakes, The glitter shower!

Balloons hot rising under confetti Bowers!

On & on, dancing through the night

Through masks be seen eyes real bright

Elvens danced the night away

And never stopped until the next day!


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