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At 3:21am on February 6, 2011, sharon said…

Ive always had a love for the elements and as long as theyr respected Ive never had a problem.  Got snowed in in Scotland once and was the only one that never complained.  The guy who ran the local hostel was concerned that there was something wrong with me as I was wandering round the grounds in the cold all day but how can you explain that kind of feeling to a non Pagan??!  I tried but find it hard to express feelings on a good day so was more than unsucessful. 

Glad to make the aquaintence of a fellow listener who stretches the borders of music.  I find listening to the same type of music menotenous and enjoy a wide range in a listenable range - especially when Im alone as I can sing along even though Im tone deaf and sing like Shirley Bassy with laryngitis.

I think Paganism as a fad has died out alot over the years - proably since the teenagers have discovered that they cant turn their maths teachers into toads aka Harry Potter - and mostly the serious practitioners are now left so fairs like yours will become scarce.   I prefer to go to home craft type places but they to are dying out or becoming too expensive to afford.  The retired people at some of the oldage homes like BarereGardens still make and sell on certain times of the year and I always support them.  They make some lovely things and I have a lovely driftwook clock made by one of the residents.

I think the Universe is trying to tell me something (not sure what) as I cant find my runes or some of my Tarot cards that I used during Candlemass.  Go figure that its two of the major arcana and the three of Flames.  Ive had the deck since highschool and dont think Ill be able to replace the little buggers.  Ive looked in the park and torn up the villa with my flat mates thinking Im crazy (being Muslem they dont understand that I NEED THEM) The mischief makers had better turn up soon as I fly on the 8th for home and they need to be in my bag.  Wonder what theyr up to??!

At 9:54am on February 3, 2011, sharon said…

Heard about the cold front. According to the Wotan Newspaper half of the USA is under feet of snow and ice so the ski slopes are probably on your doorstep!?  The pictures that accompanied the article looked beautiful with the presitne white but it was probably bad for those living there who had to suffer the cold.  Its strange how our Lady can throw temper fits like that - maby its to remind the living to respect Her more?

I left work after 21h00 but the park was quiet so the ritual part was done without interuption or staring eyes - other than the local stray cats and resident bat population flitting about.  The food is waiting for me at home for the 8th when I start the 15 hour journey to civilisation.  My brother has promised a big fire with lots of food and with my birthday coming up its going to be fun - a Taurus that can cook imagine that!! Makes up for his sister that cant.

My music tastes are a bit eclectic as I listen to a bit of everything just so long as the song grabs my attention.  I dont have a set band or singer that I like and my player has everything from classical to rege,calipso to rock, celtic to metal.  Its a wierd mix but I like to mix things up a bit - probably why my guides and guardians work overtime when I do magic and I get fingers burnt upon occasion!  Makes life interesting as the end results can be a bit unexpected.  What music do you like  and what are the festivals like.  Ive never been to one as they dont exist where I come from but they must be exciting

At 6:53am on February 2, 2011, sharon said…

Morgan is going to sulk for a few days as she always does but she gets over it eventually - usually when the dogs get more attention then she does.

As for Taurus - I know them well as my brothers one - gentle and kind as most will admit with a refusal side that refuses to quit (about sums you lot up Im thinking).Even old bulls need new grazing from time to time when the grass gets too short so dont sweat it too much.  Im Aquerius and almost a year older - maby not too much wiser but we will see. 

Ive found a new band (ok an old band) called Blackmores Night and have MP3d their music so Ill be occupied on the plane.  One of my colleogues had them on vinal (yes I did say vinal) and apparently only 4 albums were ever cut.  I dont usually like their type of music but theres something about their songs that reaches deep.  Have you ever heard of them.  Theyr worth listening to if you can get hold of it.

Ive got to work late tomorrow as were moving to a new ward and I have to finalise the patients so Candlemass is going to be done after hours.  Ive planned it for after dark in the nearby park.  Nobodys up and itll be dark so the fires will shine bright.  Braving the cold it should be a good one even if the real food has to wait until I get home.   Since the rains everything is feeling refreshed now so Candlemass should be a good one.  Got any special plans?


At 9:48am on January 26, 2011, sharon said…

Jasmine is one of my favourites along with the citrus ones which I find both refreshing and relaxing.  Im not too fond of the floral ones as I find them sweet and unsuitable to wear.   My perfumes (when I wear them) have always been the woody/citrus ones. Its strange how different fragrances affect people in so many ways and I notice a defenet change in the atmosphere if a subtle scent is added to the air.  It gives an added kick to ritual magics aswell though my Morgan doesnt like the stronger fragrences.  she puts her tail in the air and heads for the door and as my companion she is usually right too.

Ill be heading for the bookstore before I head off for the plane as Ill be sitting 16 hours to get home and its a killer with nothing to read.  Ive just finished the Nightwatch series so Ill have to find something.  Some books are worth a re-read and you always find something new.  Thats why I love Terry Pratchet - as you read you find things that youve missed the first time and he always has you guessing.  Not sure what Ill read next I guess Ill se what takes my fancy.

At 9:36am on January 25, 2011, sharon said…

IFamily reunions are always good with a braai outside and food on the grid.  Load of picnicks at the beach and if something goods playing at the Guild Theatre maby head off for a show.  Other than that I plan a trip to Hogs Back and maby to Coffee Bay to see the "groot gat" (translation for the englishman it means Big Hole).  Theres a cave you can get into when the tides out but it gets hairy if you are caught when its coming in as it arives fast and furious. 

I think that when you reach the 40-50 age bracket its time for introspection and assessment.   The things that are valued when young tend not to be so valuable later on.  We all cycle through the elements which harbour lifes cycles and the fires of transformation burn whichever way you look at it so it needs to be accepted and respected for the herald of new things to come. Thats my opinion anyway and it works for me.

I have that problem now in that Ive always known my path and now I feel a bit lost.  I think someone moved the signpost or something.  Either way Im sure Ill find it again - after all getting lost is the best way to sightsee in foreign lands. My mom says my jasmine is in full bloom so Ill defenently be outside - full moon and all for candle mass and my birthday.  The atmosphere enhanced with the jasmine is just ripe for lunar magics and if my Morgan is finished sulking she will probably join in the fun.  Its going to be great to go back to normal life.

At 9:48am on January 24, 2011, sharon said…

I understand you just fine and it refreshing to meat someone who speaks their mind.  I have to deal with mind numbing people all day in my line of work and being able to comunicate with an open minded person is a Blessing.  Ill be getting out of here in the next three weeks and will be back to the normal world for three weeks (no pun intended).  Life keeps getting in the way of my plans (should have headed my readings but I had to do things my way as usual) but the problems will be worth it in the end.  Three weeks of relaxastion and not a thought of Saudi.

Aquerius is a good time for cleaning the old head and getting things into perspective.  I should know afterall I was born an Aquerian!  Will be having my Big 40 at home on the 18th.  Not getting any older but lifes grand and Im still kicking so alls good.   The rain has brought in the cold weather and its actually snowing in Banak province here is Saudi - Who would have thought of snow in the desert.  This place is wierd and gets wierder by the day.  It makes working with the elemental magics problimatic when even they dont know what they are supposed to be doing!  Anyway some results are rather unique so Im having an amazing learning curve!!

Have a great time on the Equinox (eew - now I sound like the movie theme song for Twilight) anyway whatever your plans have fun afterall thats what magic is all about

At 7:29am on January 23, 2011, sharon said…

The coldest waters Ive ever been to was a place near Cape Town called Blouberg Strand.  It was so cold that by the time I was up to my ankles I could not feel my toes.   Even the waters color of steel grey states COLD BEWARE.  It was a wild ride on the energy though and you could feel it long afterwards. 

Another must for our kind is Cape Point where the two oceans meat and the currents merge, it.  You can see the white ridge all the way out and the warm/cold mix gives off an anergy all of its own. Its just a pitty that the entry fee that the government put onto the privelage is so steep that locals cant all appreciate it.  It costs R55 entry through the gate now.

Where I live in the Eastern Cape the waters warm through summer and cools into autumn but never gets cold enough for icebergs.  The surfers are in it all year round but I only brave it when its warm and sunny. I prefer to sit on the sand and soak up the energies the elements give off.



At 6:34am on January 21, 2011, sharon said…
Your plans sound great.  If I was back home I would be going to the Guild Theatre and then to the resutrant on the beach front for supper/breakfast.  The owners know me so well there that I dont even have to book my table as they know exactly which one I want - by the window overlooking the ocean.  If you are lucky you get to see the dolphins or wales as its just before the sardine run - I guess they are trying to avoid the sharks!  The surfers come out for dawn patrol round sunrise to which is an added bonus.  I watch the sunrise and thank the Goddess for all the blessings and guidance She has given me and for this year and celebrate with a grand meal and Irish coffee afterwards.  Now Ill just have to settle for the Chinese party and wait for the resturant when I get home. Better late than never.
At 9:13pm on January 19, 2011, sharon said…

Spot on with the Water magic bit.   I think that been part of the problem with me is the Elements are all lopsided here. (well it is desert afterall). I miss the sound of the ocean at night from my flat and the smell of ozone after a storm.  That is something that you cant get out of a bottle!!

Ive been invited to celebrate Chinese New Year with some collegues so its going to be something to remember - dragons and all.  Theres two really big red ones on the celing of the hallway and they scared the daylights out of the Muslem conpatriots who worked there (funny to watch but then I have been told I have a wierd take on life).  Candlemass will be a small afair as Im the only witch here but Ive lots of candles ready to light and its all planned.  The best part is that the roomies will be out so I have the place to myself.  If the weather plays along it will be on the villa roof but if not the lounge will be getting a makeover.  Have you got anything special planned?

At 8:59am on January 17, 2011, sharon said…

Ive traveled alot in my life but Ive never felt like this and its wierd - I dont honestly know what to make of it as Ive alwasy been certain of my path.  Holiday is going to be great - 3 weeks of real food, real friends, family and nature as Im planing a trip to Hogs Back and LOTS of beach time as its summer (braais included).  Just chill and review lifes lessons learnt and come back with a (hopefully) new perspective. 

Did you know it rains in the desert?!  Its raining cats and dogs here and everythings wet.  The energy is unbelievable with the thunder and rain on the heat baked ground.  You can hear the plants around slurping up the feast while it lasts.  Ive just come back from a walk and am all wet and for the first time in a long while I actually feel almost comfortable here.  Sounds wierd but its not easy to put into words as one has to be here to experience it so Im hoping that I make sence.

At 11:14am on January 14, 2011, sharon said…
If you want dark skies take a trip up to Badplaas one day when you visit South Africa.  Its a hot water spring and theres nothing around for miles.  You can always see the townies form the plaasjapies as the townees sleep with all the lights on and the plaasjapies revel in the dark with only a braai fire going.  The townies are terrified of the dark and wont even come out of the cabins for a midnight swim (so the heated pool will be all yours). At the moment Im still in a bit of a funk so Ive droped to my favourite books (Terry Pratchet).  Ive just finished Weyerd Sisters and am into Rincewind.  They are good books for a easy light hearted read. I cant tell you how many times Ive read and reread them but theres always something new.  The man is a genius - its a pitty he is apparently dying of cancer.  What are you reading??
At 6:33am on January 10, 2011, sharon said…
I lived with one of those messy types when I lived in Oudsorne.  Its an old Karoo town and she drove me nuts as I had to keep picking things up off the floor My neighbours used to refuse to come over as they said the house gave them the creaps but I enjoyed her company none the less.  She had a lot of character.  The problem with writing is that fact does not always sell and people have no imagination anymore.  I love books and always have one handy and hardly ever watch Tv unless its something realy good.  The best nightsky I ever say was in Oudsorne as the Milkyway stretches right across the sky from one side to another and shine beautifully clear.  The same thing happens in Hogs Back when the mountain air plays the game and keeps the sky clear of clouds.  Either way coco and marshmellows and sky watching go together really well
At 9:26am on January 7, 2011, sharon said…

It is C O L D at night - I go through a lot of coco as it takes off the chill as I sit outside on the villa roof and vegetate.  It lets me put the day into perspective as I look out at the stars. Surfing the dawn patrol was always first on the agenda when I was at school.  To sit and watch the sunrise on your board was the in thing to do back then.  I never thought about love magics much but it makes sence as theres nothing more special than sharing a newborns first breath and steps onto lifes path and that is love magic right there though idwifery is not my thing

My alter tends to change with the seasons of lifes pathways that I stumble along.  I know its strange but every now and then I get it into my head for a revamp and a rededication of sorts.  My deity worship is an eclectic mix so the jumble fits in well with me.  There does not seem to be much out there on entities which is a pitty as they are very interesting to associate with - maby you should write a book and get it published?  I find that I always pull books apart and make my own notes.

At 10:07am on January 6, 2011, sharon said…
This little witch has major issues with getting up  - especially winter when its all dark and chilly.  Having to drag my carcass out of a warm bed and head off to work for 7am is a killer but the sunrises and sunsets when I head for home at 7pm make up for it in a grand way.  As for austronomy I dont think every star and planet needs a laa dee daa name in order to be admired for the stars they are.  Astrology calenders tend to get missplaced someplace and the eclipses tend to go ahead without me present and acounted for.  Its a tough life but its an entertaining one say what?!
At 9:28am on January 1, 2011, sharon said…
Sounds like a plan.  Ill wait until my new villa mates are all at work cause then Ill have the place to myself without interruptions.  You should have seen the moon last night.  It was a perfect sickle and the air was so crisp and clear that it was clearly visible in the night sky.  It made my nightly walk worth freezing my ears off!
At 9:18am on December 29, 2010, sharon said…
What you say makes sence.  I use incence/oils when I meditate though Ive never thought to do so in a circle as I  only use them for magic and ritual. I have jasmine oil and candles are easy enough to get.  Ive always been a positive person who knows the direction and where I want to go and I think thats one of the problems.  Im now at a crossroad and being tanked dry and in need of a break from the constant demands from others is not helping.  Ill give what you suggested a try - its easier than having to pick up a tarot deck thats scattered all over the floor in frustration! You realise just how many cards there are when you have to find them and runes get into all sorts of tiny spaces impossible to reach.
At 2:30am on December 28, 2010, sharon said…
Magics are almost non existant at home. We have the African Sangomas but most are untrained and they kill more than they cure so teachers there are scarce - and I dont do black magic anyway. Ive been in a hole lately where I feel restless and have the need to further my studies but reading material is non existant here (and the Koran makes no sence - yes Ive read it). Tarrot and rune readings are not helping as they got me even more confused - is it possible to outgrow your deck?? I dont know but I feel restless and its not like me. Ive always known my direction and had an afinity for Gia and elimental magics and even here I can connect but the restlessness is problimatic and I feel bogged down. Sorry to off load but as I have no one else maby you have a few suggestions. I generally make my equipment as necessity is the mother of invention but books are a treasure beyond measure.
At 8:11am on December 26, 2010, sharon said…
Christmas was quiet as I live in a muslem country as they dont celebrate christmas but my rooftop ritual whent off well - my flatmates were all out so I had no interruptions.  The wine by the fireplace sounds great.  Theres NO alcohol here so I had to settle for fake beer (never new it existed until I got here) and the heater as fires are banned inside the villa and its freezing outside nowadays.  Do you have a shop that sells esoteric type if things - I tend to battle to get those kinds of things as they are scarce.
At 6:53am on December 24, 2010, sharon said…

The most memorable moon I ever saw was up Tzanene way over an Easter weekend.  It was full and had a halo around it.  I got to watch it for hours as it was a clear starry night.  Your friend is right in that Christmas is about friends and family.  At home families come from a long way to gather.  It happened to me a few years back and I never realised just how many family members I had!! The black families are worse as they have very large extended families and everyone pitches up for the party.  I go to them to socialise and when Ive had enough I have a valid excuse to leave once Ive done a quick tidy up in the kitchen.  Its something I was brought up with - If you go to someones house help them wash dishes afterwards! Hope you have a great celebration whatever you do


At 9:16pm on December 20, 2010, sharon said…
Correct second time round and I couldnt see it as the sun was up and as bright as a fireball so everything was obscured - I felt its energy though so it wasnt a total loss. Maby next time I get lucky as see it proper. Ive yet to see a solar eclipse as Ive never been in the right place at the right time - so to speak that should be interesting

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