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At 6:47am on December 20, 2010, sharon said…

Excellent - thanks

At 9:26pm on December 19, 2010, sharon said…

Everyone here works on the lunar calender and they are all in the 1400s (go figure) They work with the lunar cycles but its to complicated so I stick to full through to nil moon for my magic.  The locals take the whole cycle into consideration and I certainly admire their dedication!  As Im off Ill defenently be watching the eclipse if I get the timing right - Do you know the exact time by any chance? Southern Hemespheres still in my blood and Ive alot to learn about the Northern part of the Earths sphere.  Shes an amazing creature is our Mother and the wonders She holds is always to be admired - just like the eclipse.  Have a great one and a truely Blessed Time and may the light of the fires light your path forward.

At 6:24am on December 19, 2010, sharon said…

I read somewhere that Christmas was the Old Roman Childrens Day before it was taken over by the church though I think they got a bit confused with St Nick.  He must be a really good guy being able to do all the presents at once and still being that unfit! Anyway I feel the whole thing has been blown out of proportion and totally comercialised.  The kids nowadays have no appreciation for the message behind it and no respect for what they are given.  I support one of the childrens homes back home and try to give each of the children a gift this time of year (mostly clothes and stationery - functional things appropriate for their age) its expensive on the pocket but is well appreciated as they have nothing.  They do not know where it comes from and I prefer it that way.  Friends get me through lifes potholes though I only have a few really close ones that Ive been friends with since school and frankly I dont know what I would do without them.

At 6:43am on December 18, 2010, sharon said…
Being summer back home its a good time to party as its warm outdoors but the problem is that most S As are still conservative Christian types so they dont celebrate the (dare I say it PAGAN) holidays and coverns are rare.Thus rituals ae generally done on my own and then I go do the Christmas, New Year (called Boxing Day untill 24 years ago when the new government whent on an ego trip and renamed everything - now its Tshaka Day) with friends and family. I dont mind two celebrations of the same in a year as its more time to think of the good things and have a good bash.
At 9:27pm on December 16, 2010, sharon said…

Weather witch can get grumpy somedays.  We just had flash flooding and needless to say she caused a bit of havoc and panic.  Just goes to show never tempt Natures fury.  Sounds like your heading for a fun time back home I would have headed off to the beach or up into the Hogs Back forests for a ritual and then met up with some friends for fun and games - food included - afterwards.  Life is pretty isolated here for a witch but Ill make up for it when I go home.

At 6:44am on December 16, 2010, sharon said…
Had plans but im the only practitioner on the compound so company is limited. Ill probably have a ceremony and then invite some people over for a get together as its all the resident fire department will allow. Either way it will have to be done on the roof as I live near the Mosque and the resident Muslems give me a hard time if I do ceremonies in the park. Got any plans?
At 4:23am on December 15, 2010, sharon said…

Ive always been interested in lifes challenges and it would certainly bring an intersting new dimention to things once Ive got it mastered


At 6:48am on December 13, 2010, sharon said…

I can read people but  study their body language and eyes which can say alot so Ive never thought about the auras much other than as an oddity.  I think Ill give it some thought and try to develop the skill as it sounds interesting.  My feelings ae never wrong and within a few minutes in someones company I usually have them pretty much sussed so I guess this should be the logical next step

At 7:05am on December 11, 2010, sharon said…

Do you think those skills can be developed.  I see shadow type smudges so it should be a matter of focus to sharped the images.  It would be an interesting exercise for meditation practice.

At 7:09am on December 9, 2010, sharon said…
My friend Jenna said she could see them on those she connected with but I cant really tell. Sometimes there are faint smudges and hues witch are darker if emotions are involved but Im not very good at reading them. Can you see them?
At 3:04am on December 2, 2010, sharon said…
I see a few but this place has me disorientated. I think Im not used to its feel and some things make no sence but Im working on it. They mostly congregate in and around the old places and seem to avoid new areas. Im guessing that the older areas attract them more because of the energy flow but Im not sure. They just seem to be wandering around with no set course and their forms are faint and transparent and difficult to recognise. Its about the best that I can describe it.
At 7:42am on December 1, 2010, sharon said…
I see them alot but talk to them less than when I was younger. Im still as solitary now then as I was then but I think life has got in the way and as adults we are not as open heart and mind then we are as kids. I see them as translucent or silvery shapes daytime but they appear more "solid" at night and can even distinguish their genders. I found out they still listen even if they dont always verbally resopnd when I told them to stop mucking with the bells one night as it was not my fault management had decided to expand the ward and the constant ringing in the empty rooms was getting on my nerves. The ringing stopped almost immediatly for which I was emencly greatful. I saw them alot on the ward where I was working at home and felt them constantly. The interesting part was that so did some non wicka collegues and one even refused to go into the hardware room after she fell asleep one night on her lunch break and he. She came running out and told me someone was trying to push her off the chair and has not returned there. He did have a point as she should not have been asleep in work hours. We had a few like that which I nicknamed the supervisory squad.
At 10:05am on November 30, 2010, sharon said…
Hi Sam. Lower astral beings and I connected once and they gave me the creeps so I avoid them like bad flu bugs. Entities and I get along well and elementals and I get along like a forest fire and they are quite willing to play ball when asked. I connected with the entities when I was little when I saw one watching my gran cook and asked her why woman was watching her (I think she was trying to advise which was not a good thing). No one believed me but I saw her every time we visited and it was she who told me to hit a scorpion with a brick before picking it up to show my mom in the house. They give great advice if you listen.
At 10:10am on November 29, 2010, sharon said…
I dont know what it was only that it was too frieky for a second round. I mean i slept in coventry graveyard in a moseleum once when I accidently got locked in for the night and I never felt like that! It put a damper on the trip thats for sure and Im pretty sure Jenna was there that day cause I felt her presence. Anyway chalk it up to experience of the wierd kind and grow from it. Do you feel entities? it can be wierd.
At 2:36am on November 28, 2010, sharon said…
Hay sam. To answer your question I do feel them though they feel diferent here - almost reserved, unlike at home where they are wilder and more natural. Its almost as if the reserved and nailed down culture here is affecting them and their environment somehow. Back home in the Karoo its not like that and their forwarness of behaviour can get you into trouble if you are not careful and respect both nature and her wims! Id like to go back to Egypt but without that creepy feeling or the events that followed as it kinda put a damper on the trip. Still dont know what it was and no one seems to have an answer.
At 7:14am on November 24, 2010, sharon said…
Hay Sam. The nice thing about my home country is that we have everything from desert to ocean and forests if you are willing to travel. I have done so from an early age and pretty much feel at home in the wild wherever I go. Forests energies are living and growing where oceans shores I always feel wild and free. Th deserts energies are drier and more arid but positive in a strange sort of way. Im not sure if Im making sence but its hard to put into words what you feel.
At 9:28pm on November 22, 2010, sharon said…
Hay sam Lovely hearing from you. Id love a forest walk but unfortunately Im stuck in the desert at the moment so there is pretty much only sand, clear skies and lovely sunsets - and dates. I miss home and the beach but lifes an adventure right so you have got to live it and enjoy the journey as best you can.
At 9:04pm on November 12, 2010, Becky said…
Hi Sam,
Due to lack of funds I haven't been on this site in awhile (no internet)
If you pop on over to my profile I added the two pictures of my trees finally :)
At 5:40pm on May 27, 2010, Becky said…
Hey Sam, You've been a bit quiet lately. Here's hoping things are going well with you and yours :)
At 9:07am on April 06, 2010, Becky gave Sam Morgan a gift

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