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At 8:44pm on February 6, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
Did you draw the 3 of flames or did you just lose it?
At 8:41pm on February 6, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

OH WOW!! You must be frecking out. I know I would be. Many years ago I bought a back up deck just in case something happened to mine. I have a pendulum that was given to me by a very dear friend. It is irreplaceable to me. Magick tools are somethings that you become very attached to. Sorry to hear you have lost them. You should be able to get a replacement deck sent to you from an internet company. I have found that they just don't die. Somebody somewhere will have your deck.

The spell has not been cast. There is something wrong with it. I guess I will be rewriting it again and again until it is right. It sounds right but something is missing or misstated.  Catchy little spell but what do I desire it to do? I don't think I desire what I have written.

At 7:59am on February 4, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

I love to look at the snow out of my windows. If the snow does not melt this afternoon, I will not be able to get out of the valley. My water lines have been frozen for a couple of days now. I think they will thaw Saturday then I get to fix the broken pipes. All that said, life is good where I live. I love living in a forest.

Music that I like? I like something in all music. I lean toward movie soundtracks when I am listening at home. I like the catchy tunes that they offer. When I want lively music I will listen to Broadway Musical tunes. Radio in the truck is on a rock channel.

I always find it interesting to watch the spell writing process. When the first write is changed and changed again until it takes a live of it's own. The prelude stays the same but the meat changes until I understand what I am really after. Magick is interesting!!!

Renaissance festivals, the big ones have a fair ground that is keep up all year. The building are built like the period in time. They run them about 8 weekends a year. When they are holding a festival, the people that work there and guest dress up in costumes of that time. They ha sevral bands playing at the same time in different areas. They have performers puting on shows in different areas. Vendors sell food and interesting items. Years ago there was a big pagan influents but now it has become a college party thing. They are still fun to go and see. I go every couple of years. The closest one is held in October and November.

The sun on the snow is so pretty. It beckens you to take a walk in the woods.

At 8:34pm on February 2, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

I had to work late today and I will work late tomorrow. Chandlemas has to wait until Friday night, I will be off then. Then I will get my pizza and do a little spell casting for change. Cold front has moved into the area so it is real cold. I might have to cast my spell indoors but it will be with flare and flamboyant. I love to add drama to some of my castings and this one deserves a big dash of razzle dazzle. Fun willl be in the cards.

I listened to some of Blackmores music. I like their music. I go to the renaissance festivals in the area and there are several bands that play at them with that type of music. What type of music do you perfer?

Hope you have fun at New Years!! That is a special treat to be able to go to. When do you leave for home? You must be getting excited.

At 4:26pm on February 1, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

I hope you are getting ready for Candlemas tomorrow. My plans are going to have to change because I will be working late the next two night. I will adapt!! Pizza and wine on Friday night. It's hard to keep this pagan from celebrating. I will have to add a little more razel dazel to my evening. I will have to write me a spell to kick start something. You know something that is going to bring fun and joy to my life. We have a whole year a head of us. I think this year I need some change (Oh my Goddess did I just hear a Tauras say he wanted CHANGE). What is this world coming to???

16 hours of travel!!! You will need several books for that kind of sitting. What type of book will you be getting? When I traveled on long plane trips they always took off at night. I never got use to eating at one in the morning. I didn't know that Africa was that big but what would I know only been there once in a small corner.

Morgan will be glad to see you when you get there. She will curl up in your lap (of course after she stops pouting). Cats are fun to have around.

Good casting!!!!

At 10:20am on January 28, 2011, rowan hawk gave sharon a gift
At 7:12am on January 26, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

I love jasmine. I have a couple of plants on my back deck. I use it in bath magick when I need to unwind and get centered. If I only had one oil that I had for magick, it would be jamine oil.

You know I was thinking, if you ordered books now. They would be at your home when you got there. Now that would be a nice surprice. I just finished my book and now I have to find another one to order. I find they make my life just a little funner. I have a hard time finding different books. I always seem to return to the same old routen over and over again. I still like them over and over again. I think the next one will be a science fiction book. The hunt is on!!!

At 8:10pm on January 24, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

Only 3 weeks to go until Sharon gets her water fix. What is the first thing you are creating to do? I know if it was me, I would be heading off to the place I love to eat the most. If you can't tell by now, I love to eat and drink. Some of my best memories are over a good meal. People let their guards down when the talk is soft and they get the soothing feelings that a meal has to offer. Then if you throw in a little Sake you get "talks from the heart". The high light of dinning. People take life to serious and they need to take time out to just be what they are. It sounds so nice to be able to do that, I am losing my close friends one by one. Their paths are taking them to where they need to go. My path is not so clear now as it was. Time to create a new and improved adventure. One part past, one part future, one part magick, two parts entities. (You know can't leave home without them.) I need to get my solar return sent to me. I get one every year so I know how the winds are blowing on my path. This last year, it was not any help. Some years it helps and other it doesn't.

You got Candlemas coming up and it is on a new moon. That means you will be home on the full moon. Full moon on the beach with your love ones. You will have to make your birthday wish on the full moon. You know Diana love to watch surf magick and better yet if you invite her to join in.

At 9:05am on January 23, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

It must be summer in Easter Cape now. The sun is warm and the water is getting warmer. How long is it until your holiday? You are making me want to go the coast. I think I will make plans to go on the Equinox. The Equinox is paired with a full moon. A very good time to do surf magick. A little weak on the fire side but the others will be strong.

Reading back, I babble in my writing like I talk. I don't know if you are understanding me. It is a shame that I just take for granted that everyone talks magick. Please let me know if I am not making sence. When I accept someone in my magick world, I talk magick to them. Aquarius a good time to get your thoughts together and make plans. Happy creating!!

At 8:49pm on January 21, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
If the chinese do it right, you will have a very exciting time with New Years. Your home sounds lovely to be sitting by the ocean. I have to travel 4 hours to be able to sit on the beach. I have to go down there every now in then to get my energy fix. Gas is getting to expensive to make the trip as often as I use to. I know my little gulf is not like the ocean but that is what I have. It get very warm in the summer. Late August the water is like taking a bath. The waves are very small compared to ocean waves. When you get farther south around the Caribbean islands the water get crystal clear with very small waves. September starts the Hurricanes season. I never learned to surf or snow sky. For here, they are very expensive hobbies that I could not afford. On the west coast, the wave are  big but they are cold, no very very cold. Been out there a few times but I like the gulf better because I can use the energy better.
At 4:28pm on January 20, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
Sounds like you are going to have fun for new years. For Candlemas, I know you are going to be very disappointed to hear the shameful way I celebrate that feast. I have this little restaurat that I go and get pizza and wine at every year. I will go alone and have a toast to the goddess for her lovely gift of milk. 
At 7:18am on January 18, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

Sounds to me you need to get more Water Element in your life. Looks like the witch will be doing major water magick.

I didn't know that it stormed in the desert. It is hard for me to imagine that. I am glad it made you feel better.

The full moon is tonight and it is in negative earth sign. The ruling planet is Saturn. Good time to draw to you physical things and manfest what you want in this life. Happy creating.

Time to start making plans for your Candlemas party. You need to get all of your friends over and have fun. Or if you like a Chinese New Year party. This will be the year of the rabbit. Either way the point is to have fun and celebrate the holidays. The wheel is turning.

At 5:56pm on January 14, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
I just finished Midnight Crystal by Janyne Castle. It was a disappointment because it was not as good as most of her books. I have In Too Deep  by Jayne Ann Krentz on order and will be here is a couple of days. I will have it read in a week or so. I am always looking for good book. I am never in the mood for the books I run across so I keep them on wish list for future times. Sorry to hear you are still in a funk. You should be going home soon. Think of all the books you will buy and the fun you will have there. Plan a wonderful trip home.
At 9:14am on January 11, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
The city lights are starting to bleech the Milkyway out where I live. I do miss having dark skies. What book are you reading now? I just ordered me a book. It will be here in a few days. I am a sucker for supernatural romance books. I keep a list of the book that I run across for future reading. My main problem is I don't keep a list of the books that I read. So you got it, I sometimes buy a book that I readed several year before. I usely enjoy them the second reading. An artic cold front came in yesterday and the weather is getting very cold here. When I get home from work I will have to build me a fire and stay in. Time for me to write in front of the fire. I haven't been writing lately. I find it hard to know what I really want until I writing about it. Writing helps me understand myself. I feel sorry for the animals so I try to keep food out for them.
At 8:37pm on January 8, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

I don't think anyone would like to read about how boring I would make entities sound. I have a lot of good tells that is for sure. They are just lacking in the drama and scary department. It would be like writing about someone you lived with. You know the little fighting and torments. I never meet a famous entity only the lovable ones. Having said that, I would not trade them for anything. They are my family and I am close to them. They are there when I am lonely and sad or when I am happy. The only thing I can count on in this life is they will make it intersting until the day I die. So much for the mussy stuff, I do get mad at them sometimes. I do yell and scream at the top of my lungs sometimes. I have had them run people off before because they did not like them. But I never come home to a empty house. You know what, I just noticed they have been reading my books again. Only think I can say, they are lousy housekeepers. They are worst then kids. They take thing out but never put them back.

I alway loved looking at the stars in the winter. They seem so crisp and clear. I bought me a telescope a few years ago. I was just shy of knowing where to look so I quit using it. I do have my favorits that I look at all the time. When I went to South America I stayed at an observation site. The workers where kind enough to give me a tour of the southern sky. I hope you enjoy the stars.

At 7:27am on January 7, 2011, Sam Morgan said…

You know, I have a hard time wrapping my thoughts around Saudi being cold. When I had to go to work early, I wrote several poems about the time in between before dawn. I always thought that was a lovely time of the day. A very good time to create magick for the day. Don't get me wrong, I love to stay in a warm bed and drink my coffee every morning. Several years ago, I got a book on love magick that I think was worth keeping. In it, it talks about making the bedroom a place for magick. I have had an alter in my bedroom since. It is dedicated to love. I have an alter in my living room dedicated to the Aphrodite and Athene. I know that is a strange combo but Athene is a Karmic thing from a past life I had. In this carnate, I can't get to far from her. She will invade all other Goddess that I honor. So my alter is spit into two halves. I have worship the love goddesses most of my life except Athene is alway present.

Most of my studies have been in magick. Learning universal laws, elements, low and high magick, timing, elementals, kingdoms and the likes. I have thrown away more magick books than I would like to thing about. I keep the ones that relate to me and my path but you have to read about other paths and believes before you know what you believe in and feel close to. I have never found a book on enities worth reading. They all have it wrong.

At 12:28pm on January 2, 2011, Dan Griffith said…
   This site looks like it Rocks! Well it might be the music coming out that has me piped. Hope to meet some cool ass people here soon
At 9:09pm on January 1, 2011, Sam Morgan said…
I have always thought the moon and the stars look brighter in the winter than at any other time. Looking back over the years of astrology class and astronomy, I thought I would have learned more but I didn't. I had a wonderful witch that tought me astrology for several years. I found it very fasinating but it did not stick. I live my life from a natal reading every year but I can't do the readings myself. Spell timing has always been more of an intuition for me. Like a good little witch, I buy me an astrology calendar every year around Yule time. In fact, I hung it up today. It said there would be a solor eclipes on Tuesday the 4th at 4:00 am. You know what, if the universe is not willing to wait for me to get up then it can go ahead without me. I don't think I will miss anything for it will still be dark then. Hope I made you laugh!!!
At 8:40pm on December 29, 2010, Sam Morgan said…

When you get your blue candles. Here is something that might help you. When you can be alone or not bothered late at night

Water healing spell:

Around the full moon in Scoripo, Pises or Cancer

Put the candles on the four corners of you bath tub (add as much blue color to the bathroom as you can)

Put a few drops of oil in warm bath water.

Relax in the water for a few minutes

Then ask the jasmine to heal your feelings. Best if you can write a little spell that will help you

Just feel what you will and that is the point to bring things out

Get out and go to bed. just leave the water until the next day.

Do as off as you need.


Hope this helps. Modify it to meet your needs. You are the magick and you are a wonderful creator. The world is yours to have if you want it.


At 9:48am on December 28, 2010, Sam Morgan said…

Ask yourself these type of questions:

What do I seek?

Why am I living here?

What do I want now?

What do I want in life?

Is my love life fulfilling?

Will magick give me what I what?

Am I willing to change to get what I want?

What am I willing to give up to have change?

Do I want to perform magick or do I want to learn about magick?

Good luck!!!

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