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Cameron S.'s Comments

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At 8:15am on December 10, 2010, Brittani said…

So i have a question for you, how long have you been a wiccan? What or who introduced you to it?

At 5:44am on December 9, 2010, Brittani said…
No problem =) I'm trying to meet more wiccans and pagans.

Blessed Be.
At 8:10pm on July 20, 2010, Shadowcat said…
i'll try that type of magick with it and see what happens :)
At 12:31pm on July 20, 2010, Shadowcat said…
i hope you get a good grade it will suck if you don't after the studying you did, i'll keep my fingers crossed for you let me know what you get when you find out

hey i'd like your opnion on something : i have a cat skull i found by some train tracks and i'm not really sure how to use animal bones and stuff in magick. do have any ideas on what kind of stuff it could be used for?
At 10:14am on July 19, 2010, Shadowcat said…
well happy birthday to her it sounds like you had a lot of fun last night have you posted the poem you read, it sounds like the people of your family all have their own artistic talent when i was reading your post i got the impression that you guys must be a fun group to hang out with
i'm glad that your test is about something you know so well, i bet you ace it :)
At 11:13am on July 17, 2010, Shadowcat said…
hi sorry it took so long to get back to you my computer messed up. not much is going on around here i've been making candles and going hikeing most of the week. i'm planning a trip to the zoo it just got cheetas and i really want to see them and after someone messed up and killed all the sharks last year i want to see what they've done in the aquarium. i'm going to try and get my cousin she's seven and is alot like me she thinks outside of the box, and just like me she is treated different because the rest of the "family" doesn't understand her. so i think she deserves a fun day with someone who encourges her to be herself

how's school going? if you could go anywhere where would you go?
At 11:06pm on July 8, 2010, Shadowcat said…
no i've never heard that song before but the cranberries are ok i listen to their song dreams once in a while
i read your poems you posted they were good your poems are deep and i like how dark they are
At 12:02pm on July 8, 2010, Shadowcat said…
we like some of the same bands, i like kellianna, nox arcana, metallica, inkubus sukubus, weird al yankovic, stained, the goo goo dolls have a few songs i like so do evenescence, incubus, p.o.d., flyleaf, and kid rock i like older bands too like the who, the beatles, kansas, it depends on my mood the only music i don't like is rap and i'm not a big fan of country
At 10:53am on July 8, 2010, Shadowcat said…
that's cool in a few ways i'm a little old fashioned too, i've seen a few of the saw movies there not the worst i've seen but i'm not really into them i might watch the ones i haven't seen but probably not, i like creepy movies partly to see how long i'm creeped out after the movies over
so what kinds of music do you like, do you have a favorit band?
At 11:47am on May 15, 2009, Carabella said…
celtic wolves irish art wicca pagan gaia god goddess wolves gray people couple love legend Pictures, Images and Photos

thought this was beautiful!
At 10:08am on March 6, 2009, PATRICIA TURNER said…
wow are u tormented as i? I pray for peace and look for love .Although my past haunts me. I bury myself into words, meditation, and look for spells to ease my pain.

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