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Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

-Crusades or Holy War: Killed thousands of people. I have a theory however, the crusaders went to Hell, while those who died by the Crusaders hands went to Paradise.

-Bubonic Plague: Caused because of the Witch Trials and the killing of innocent cats, therefore Christianity helped kill of 1/3 of Europe's population due to superstitious nonsense. All the "witches" went to heaven, Inquisitioners went to Hell when they died.

-Canaanite Genocide: caused by the people of Jesus's birth and Christianity's forbear, The Canaanites were there first and the ancient Hebrews killed them all over real estate. What they couldn't ask nicely and settle in the city like civilized people? How barbaric!

I'm sure there are other events in history that bodes ill and reaks of Christian corruption. So please post them and make Christianity's dark past known to all!

They obviously don't know how to read! Their Holy Book says "Thou shall not kill." But they DO kill, what is some Autistic child supposed to think, that killing other ppl is ok?
I Hate Christians and their barbaric ways. To them it's either convert to our religion or we kill you or call you a demon worshipper. Well I'm done my ranting and raving. Please post your own.



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i to am discusted with christains another rule in there bible is to love thy neighbor and yet the english and the french were both christain back then and they had at least 3 different wars one of which lasted 100years and then there was friedrich barbossa a german emperor who didnt like the pope so he marched into rome and killed the pope and eleted his own.

know im not shure about you but if christians are told thou shalt not kill and thou shall love thy neighbor they do a piss poor job of it
Yeah Daniel, they do suck at following their own rules. They never practice what they preach. I don't like them at all! Thank you for replying, I guess everyone else is a coward or too afraid to post any discrimitary evidence against Christiandom. How sad.

yeh i dont mind people being christian but the fact that there ancesters have done a piss poor job of following their own religion it makes me wonder how we can do so well but i think its cause we dont have rules to stick to when your pagan because we live free and under the protection of mother earth and are only judged by people who have differnt religion where as christians have atleast 3 different kind of christian churches and each judge each other but pagans wont soo christians are just well screwed up


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