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why are christians thinking wiccans are sinners

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wiccans believe in two gods it is a polythestic religion. Also wiccan is a pagenistic religion as well.In the eyes of christians its like blasphemy they only believe in one god and accepting jesus as a savior will get you into heaven, Its ironic.
Which Christians? Like us, they are individual. I've had some that were a problem, and most just don't care. I never had problems with my partner of 20 years, and she was a Franciscan extern (an extern sister). She even joined us in healing Circles. One of my closest friends at work was a deacon of an extremely fundamentalist church (Full Gospel Lighthouse), who was pleasantly surprised to find out just how much our forms of worship had in common.
Not all Christians think Wicca is sinful. It's just that the only ones that are so loud are the same people that hate Jews, Catholics, and pretty much anyone who doesn't think exactly like them.
Even if she becomes a true heathensitic rune mistress who are known for being permiscuous, or a practisioner of seidhr which is known for its orgyistic sex magic among the heathens??

mysticdave666 said:
i think whatever my daughter decides to believe in is fine, what i believe is, as a parent,all i can do is show her what i know from my own experiences, show her it's all about love and acceptance and openness, and accept and help her with any decision she makes.
Cassandra said:
That is what I wonder also. They think Wicca is evil. Plus in the bible it says that witchcraft of any kind (spells, tarot, having visions, etc.) is from the devil. I just think that they don't know how to accept something that is different and that they don't understand.
i think ur 100 percent right , what they don't understand scare's them..[christian's !] so they look at ppl like us who chose their own belief's as devil's addvo...their afraid of what they can't & don't understand!.. blessed be trish
Cassandra said:
That is what I wonder also. They think Wicca is evil. Plus in the bible it says that witchcraft of any kind (spells, tarot, having visions, etc.) is from the devil. I just think that they don't know how to accept something that is different and that they don't understand.
i think ur 100 percent right , what they don't understand scare's them..[christian's !] so they look at ppl like us who chose their own belief's as devil's addvo...their afraid of what they can't & don't understand!.. blessed be trish
The exclusionary beliefs of Christianity, i.e. they are on the right path and everyone else is on the wrong one, are not distinctive to that faith. I've seen, heard, read of any number of faiths who have the same bent and have been just as willing to loudly condemn everyone else.

Islam, for example, is much more direct in its rejection of and violent in the treatment of faiths that are not based on the 'Books'. Likewise
the ultra Orthodox Jewish sects, while not as outwardly aggresive toward them, are equally vocal in their condemenation.

The bottom line is that intolerance in the sense we're discussing here is generally a characteristic of monothesitic faiths rather than polytheistic ones. But there are polytheists out there who are just as knee jerk in their reactions to other pantheons as well. The field of belif is well set with stones and likewise people willing to throw them.
I could go on and on about this one, but what it all comes down to is simple as fuck; Christians think that their religion is the right one, and that all others are wrong. Part of their mission is to convert as many sinners as possible to their faith, without ever realizing that their faith was stolen from pagans to begin with. They have a particular hatred for Wiccans because spiritual their ancestors fought very hard for many centuries to stifle the beliefs that Gerald Gardner revived with Wicca in the 1950s.

At least, that's the non-offensive company line I usually give to people curious about what makes Witchcraft so "dark and evil".

The reality is Satan, everyone's favorite red-skinned goat-dude from Hell, was lovingly crafted by the guy who wrote the Book of Revelations to resemble a multitude of pagan deities such as Loki and Pan; even Satan's horns are supposed to resemble the antlers of the Horned God. Thus, when crusaders swept across Europe spreading their religion at the point of a sword, would-be pagans came to realize that their gods weren't gods at all, but rather this "Satan" mother fucker attempting to trick them.

Of course that's a bunch of bullshit, but still at best we're talking about a bunch of invisible men in the sky here, and at worst we're talking about fictional characters. Quite literally, every religious debate there's ever been can be summed up by two dudes arguing about which is the better fantasy; Lord of the Rings or Star Wars?

Does it really fucking matter? Can't we be entertained by either one?
Well, if you look at history (and the dead sea scrolls) you will find that the word that (and I'm sure on this, memory not what it use to be) Pope Clementine II in accord with several Northern kings made a couple of changes to the text. One of these changes was a word that meant something more akin to evil doer that "Witch" to of course "Witch". I understand it was done for political purposes. Which of course opened the flood gates for the killing of thousands of innocents.
what Christians believe in is their own misunderstanding of their belief, Christians Leaders of old choose to disguise their polythestic religion as a monothestic one. what we see as the triple Goddess, God and Goddess and Lord and lady, they call God the Father, God the son and God the holy spirit(they refuse to admit or worship a female Goddess so she became the holy spirit),.. 3 gods as 1???. which was more liken to the Egyptian Isis, Osiris and Horus, than Christian. we have a Goddess, they worship the Virgin Mary. and images of Mary and child Jesus, which we know comes from Isis and Horus. in Genesis Chapter 1 &2, it is written God Said 'Let US make man in OUR images" and "behold man has become like one of US."
the first 3 commandments of the10 Commandment state that even their God and Moses believed in other Gods and their God is jealous of them. just to name a few. the truth is Christainty is less then two years old and most of their beliefs are stolen and borrowed from many ancient pagan cultures and belief system. they simple change the name but the products the same. they should be thanking us instead of judging us
Katie said:
wiccans believe in two gods it is a polythestic religion. Also wiccan is a pagenistic religion as well.In the eyes of christians its like blasphemy they only believe in one god and accepting jesus as a savior will get you into heaven, Its ironic.
im not sure think because some christians ( dont make generalisations) were brougt up to belive that they are the only pure religous race and anything outside that is wrong....And the way that wiccians have been portrayed in flims e.c.t dosent help either. They are simply misinformed..........
it is good to see you here my friends,.. i would like to respond to two things, first your non christian friends which includes me will not be going to hell,.. (atleast i won't) Hell is a place that Christian believe in, it's for bad Christian i guess,.. they would like to burden us with this Fear. Christians act as if Heaven is some elite social club that only allows good christian in. they are missing out on so much peace and happiness,so much love and beauty here waiting to die and go to heaven. i would rather spend my eternity with the open minded, loving hearts of people like you,your daughter , my friends and my pagan family than sit in heaven with those who have no tolerance for others.
number two, i think it's great that you exposes your daughter to as many faith and belief system that you can, let her heart and mind be as open as the sky, and let her learn all that she can learn and then choose,.. this is how we become who we are, and it will also teach her to understand those she disagree with better. it amaze me as to how all other cultures beliefs and belief systems are taught to us to be old legends, myths and ancient mythology, but the christian bible as contradictive and unexplainable as it is, is the written word of the one true god. show your daughter everything, free her minds and watch her spirit soar
Katherine Lirtzman said:
Alot of them also grew up and use the King James version of the bible which uses the "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" and haven't researched it to know thats not what the actual passage was to read.

Plus they have been taught that paganism is just something new so we're all a cult. *snickers*

I have been told that since my former husband was part jewish, and that I have given permission to my former father in law that if he wishes I would be honored that he impart to my daughter knowledge of the jewish faith so even if she doesn't choose it...at least she knows her hertage...well I was told that I was condemming emily to hell.

I turned to the coworker and said, "then if all my nonchristian friends are going to (in your mind) "hell" and my daughter is too. I'd rather join with them then spend an eternity with you." heh...

I believe that exposing my daughter to as many faiths as possible will help her grow into a more open person than I will ever hope to be.
I want to worship a god/ goddess? that loves his/her people for who they are. instead of conforming to a book. would you teach me how to be a wiccan? i want to learn, but i dont know much about it. and could you point me to some really cool pages where i can learn more about it, please. my email address is slunaprincess@aol.com .. you will be able to reach me there.

thank you,


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