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Ashley ~Shlylette's Blog (3)

Pages from Vampira Luna

It had been years sense I had last seen him. However, that didn't stop me from recognizing him instantly. Frankly he is one of the few people I've met in my long years who moved me. Someone you can never forget, no matter the time or distance. He felt me before I saw him, I could feel him searching. Though when he finally saw me, half hidden behind this dirty phone booth, it was as if he had seen a living ghost. Ha, ghost indeed. To him that's exactly what I am. A memory, sad and painful, that… Continue

Added by Ashley ~Shlylette on May 1, 2009 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Pages From Vampira Luna

The smells, oh the sweet smells of living beings. The cafe is alive with their energy, I can feel it pulsating through the air around me. The small little man behind the counter looks over at me, smiles, and sends some young thing over my way. She's a pretty thing, I'll give her that. With long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a tall, slender frame she caught the eye of every male in the place. It's so interesting to watch how humans interact with each other. How they flirt and giggle with… Continue

Added by Ashley ~Shlylette on December 16, 2008 at 10:49pm — No Comments

Pages From Vampira Luna

The rain fall harder today than it has for almost sixty years. I love the rain, it's the only time I may being in the daylight without dressing like a monk. With the cloud cover so thick, I'm free again. I'm reminded of those long forgotten days. Oh I remember the sweet smell of frankincense burning from the temple steps. The constant buzz of voices from the market, birds singing, the smell of horses, donkeys, and camels mixed with the sweat and heat of those balmy days in Alexandra. Those… Continue

Added by Ashley ~Shlylette on December 13, 2008 at 6:21pm — 1 Comment

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