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Eternity's Blog (18)

The Hero

There is something to be said about an individual whom will sacrifice everything that they may want or need in order to care for those whom they respect or love. These individuals are few considering the size of society yet we hear about or see one every single day. They are fathers, brothers, grandpas, nephews, mothers, sisters, cousins or aunts. The many heros that give hope when we are but the meek.

I am not talking about Hollywood heroes I am talking about the real men and women… Continue

Added by Eternity on April 24, 2009 at 11:48pm — No Comments


Premonitions have been studied for many years, these functions that give the mind a swift and at time painful glimpse into the future or the present around us are an amazing proof of the power of the human mind. Some believe that these premonitions are set in stone but the truth of the matter is they can only perceive a look into what will happen calculated on the path one is currently following.

You see each choice and decision we make alters the path set before us, destiny if you… Continue

Added by Eternity on February 26, 2009 at 4:46am — No Comments

The Union Of Souls

In the beginning when mankind opened their eyes they began to awaken. With barley enough intelligence to grunt in understanding they still managed to form methods of communication which still exist today in cave paintings and other recovered artifacts. As we examine our roots we can clearly see these were very superstitious and spiritual individuals. Rituals were performed before hunting and the god/gods were thanked for what they provided. Most tribes and clans had a Shaman or Healer if you… Continue

Added by Eternity on January 21, 2009 at 9:27am — 1 Comment

Two wolves.

Two Wolves One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside all people. He said, 'My son, the battle is between two 'wolves' inside us all. One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is Good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth,… Continue

Added by Eternity on January 19, 2009 at 6:24am — 2 Comments

The Online Predator.

This guide can be used by anyone whom is in or considering an online relationship.

The Online predator.

[Definition Of A Online predator]

The online predator is one who uses the mechanisms of cyber space to hunt/stalk human beings with the intent to exploit, rob, plunder and pillage their body, mind, heart and soul. This individual can be a man or woman, a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man. I also want to add these people can often be… Continue

Added by Eternity on January 2, 2009 at 3:16am — No Comments

Bitter sweet love.

She dreams of him in quiet slumber loves first glance in her illusion she thought this was forever. She gave him her heart her unconditional love to what would seem and eternity a girls first love.She set him high and adored him from afar, Raw emotion her partner her life line her world again. So many promises made, talked of things to come the home they would have people to become.Her mind so fixed her heart exact, soft sheer flowing dream gazing into forever her heart filled… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 16, 2008 at 4:11pm — 1 Comment

Tonight I stepped back in time.

As I quietly allow my mind to drift into retrospect, wandering memories I had long sense almost forgotten, I slip away to a place most beautiful, a place from my childhood my secret sanctuary, where I often found myself. In the valley not far from my home there was a small brook which traveled past, the eroded mountain had left behind huge rocks and tree roots shaping it into one of the most wonderful miniature waterfalls I have ever seen. There was honeysuckle to the right it covered half way… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 12, 2008 at 1:28am — 1 Comment

A Brighter Day

The winter cold had broken if but for a breif moment, The smell of new was in the air and the birds

were singing glory to the new day. I looked around to see flowers peeking through the dirt, new

blades of grass struggling to reach the sun, Blessed mother earth comming back to life from a

silent slumber.

The rains bring a cleansing time when the air is filtered and the ground has been replenished

and I thank the creator for giving me the ability to wittness change. This… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 12, 2008 at 1:19am — No Comments


In the blessed morning when the brightest stars are slipping into a silent slumber, the sun begins to rise a crisp breeze plays upon the wind. Dew drops will diminish as the warmth from the sky caresses Mother Earth and embracing her good morning. The sounds of birds fill the air with beautiful melodies each unique in their own way, small nocturnal creatures are creeping back towards the shadows and the new day takes its first breath. The sunshine summons flowers and plants wake up be witness… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 12, 2008 at 1:16am — No Comments

The Elemental Muse

The elemental muse she holds many titles, she is empathic, intuitive, creative, kind, attentive, and above everything she respects all life. She is creator, creation, mother, daughter, happiness, joy and bringer of a brighter day. She draws her strength not from the unsuspecting but from the mother earth, her energy is pure and untainted for she is one with the planet. Her inner light shines bright white for those whom have lost their way, a beakon for the blind and warmth for the coldest of… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 12, 2008 at 1:09am — 1 Comment

The River

Like two streams born one of blood and one of wine

These streams as different as thread is to twine

One from a mountains icy trickle then to a crash

Born from winters cold, just as harsh and brash

Each environments growth and constant changing

To match this course it always takes rearranging

The other from a spring in a valleys greens flora’s

Gently bubbling while deceiving to mind its morals

One reflects… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 12, 2008 at 12:52am — No Comments

Advocate Of Demise

Unconscious thoughts deep within the underworld within,

See the burning desert clear!

A thousand bloody battles here!

Advocate of demise, you go around in your desquise!


That your the way!

And with their lives so they shall PAY!

Illusions of awe and power,

Sands of time still SLIP AWAY!

The black heart child still standing there

will curse their precious day!

Advocate leading them astray


Added by Eternity on December 10, 2008 at 5:04am — No Comments

How to handle being empathic.

The key to not letting the negativity of others hurt you as a sensitive individual is in learning to identify what feelings you are feeling and what feelings are coming from outside of you.

In crowds, or other places where you feel a mish-mosh of energy coming at you from all directions it might held to shield - either to block out all the vibrations around you, or to concentrate on only one or two others. When people are angry with you, whatever their reason, love yourself enough to… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 9, 2008 at 10:30pm — 3 Comments


Immortality, the kiss which is like the wind. A forever moving

momentum towards eternity. Time is but the hourglass,

Tormentor of the eternal, such is many human tools but alas.

Can you look upon the lands and see the beauty, the unchanged

do you notice that in which has not changed for a millennium

or longer, How long will it last?

Death, Life all of it between, would it be safe to say time moves in

a beat? Insync… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 7, 2008 at 5:15pm — 1 Comment

Power of the mind.

It has been proven we only use a portion of our brain, can you imagine being able to access other areas of your brain, could you concieve that? Well such things we witness most often...just some are not aware, an example: Have you ever experanced a dream so real it stayed in your mind? It may be a day then again it may be five years down the road and this dream you have had you find happening around you..or another example: say you have a friend,partner,ect... to whom you are very close to and… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 7, 2008 at 5:14pm — No Comments


When I first looked upon his handsome face I could see that it had been weathered. Time and the elements had taken their toll. I placed my hand against his it was rough to the touch yet ever so gentle. At that moment I realized he had been through so much.

He was a soldier you could tell by his skin he had been cold you could tell by the look in his eyes he was afraid to love. Perhaps all that he had ever put alot into had abandoned him yet he would never hurt me.

His… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 7, 2008 at 5:13pm — No Comments

Wish come true.

There was a time in my life when I felt like something was missing

a void deep within my soul which I could not fill no matter what I tried.

One day I felt my breaking point! I ask the creator please show me

what I am lacking what is it that I am suposed to be doing why do I

feel such a loss or lack of what is wrong with me.

These questions weighed on my mind all day long then later that

night when I fell asleep I had the most amazing dream. I was in a… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 7, 2008 at 5:11pm — 1 Comment

Undetermined Destiny

Once I had to keep telling myself "This is just how life is." Upon my evaluation of that, my emotions would seem to be the main factor in my conclusion. Now as an adult I wander back into retrospect of my life I realize I got fucked yes thats right f**ked because all my emotional issues were addressed as either a disorder or depression and the cure for that was within a pill pfft!

I believe no one has a set destiny that can not be changed, we all as we take differant paths in our lives set… Continue

Added by Eternity on December 7, 2008 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

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