Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!


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Comment by penelope on December 22, 2008 at 11:10am
ohh.. that 's sooo interesting.... i remeber, in our kitchen, i tried creating a flame right on my palm... it didn't happen because i lacked concentration.... my cousins were still awake that night..., and they were roaming around the house that time...well...one thing for sure i did remember,,,, my right palm was so hot,,, i touched my left arm with it and it felt SO HOT... then i touched my right arm with my left palm, and it was NOT the same.. HMM maybe a little more practice for me, and more concentration, i guess.
Comment by Damien Fire Water on December 22, 2008 at 8:00am
The very first spell I cast was on a candle,when I was like two or four years old,I made the candle flame stand still, then I made it kind of spiral.I felt so wonderful as I was doing. I get the same feeling when I summon the winds. I even made up my own short chant to summon the winds.
Comment by penelope on December 21, 2008 at 9:48am
ohhh im so touched by that blessing spell that u did... oh by the way, why did u not record it to your BOS?
Comment by erthgoddss on December 21, 2008 at 8:46am
To be honest... I don't remember. :) I am old and frankly most spells or rites that I do are self directed. I did do a blessing on a house once... I had lived there for over 20 years... when I had to leave I put a blessing on the house. I don't remember the exact wording.. but I wanted only someone who would treat the house, grounds and the resident spirit there with respect and love. The house sat empty for several years. One day I was going past it and someone had not only moved in but done some much needed remodeling, and had several herb, vegetable and flower gardens... and there was a cat sitting in the window. It looks like someone who loves the house lives there now. I believe it is that blessing that brought those people to the house... and the spirit that resides there must be very very happy. (the spirit that lived there was a previous owner.. who had multiple gardens and cats... or so the neighbors told me. I always felt her presence and worried that she would be cast out of her home after I left.)

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