Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

We met

Apon a hill we met
It was something I thought I would never regret
A little daisy was picked and placed in my hair

In a Forest we met
It was something I thought I would never regret
A pretty rose was picked and placed on my door step

In a field we met
It was something I thought I would never regret
A daffodil was picked and placed apon my grave

Haiku Poems

Separating Cracks
Growing even more with time
Death of Perfection

Embed Pebbles
Stuck in one place forever
Steped on though out years

A Lonely Flower
Majestic to the Concrete
But just a Flower

Seeking Walls

I Lay in Sadness
Waiting for a Death to come
I'm Seeking Thoughs Walls

Dead as the skulls Lying there
I'm Seeking thoughs Walls

My Logic Shreaded
Insanity seems very kind
I'm Seeking thoughs Walls

You have ripped me out
Leaving me Bloody and Numb
I'm Seeking thoughs Walls

Crawling Pathetic
My Hearts feelings Leave a Trail
I'm Seeking thoughs Walls

Views: 31


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