Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

try this it will help restore your normal vision and enhance your energy vision

Summoning your inner Power

This meditation/prayer is designed and focused toward calling up your inner powers and abilities. It is based on the belief that when we were created all abilities and powers described in both magical and spiritual text was encoded into every cell of our bodies. The interesting thing about this belief is that since advances in many areas including quantum mechanics and D.N.A. research many of these ancient beliefs are being proven to be correct or at least probable. This being said, our intention is to communicate directly with our cells causing them to access the internal data base within our D.N.A. in this initial communication our target will be having our cells remember perfect health and directing our cells to use there communication abilities to seek out better definitions of health and others that share our ideology physically, mentally and spiritually increasing the effectiveness of our practice.

For maximum efficiency you should say this prayer at least 1 time per day for 21 days. Other things you can do to increase the effectiveness is include friends, make a recording to play while you recite this, draw symbols of what you want to achieve on your body, combine it with other practices like massage or yoga, in short you can get as creative or as simplistic as you like, so long as you do it daily for 21 days it will work.

It has been written and told in many languages from every corner of the world that we were made in Creators image giving us the ability to grow and become as Creator is now.
We now accept that Creator made all things in nature and by becoming natural we can become more like Creator.
We now know that the power to transform our bodies into any form we desire is ours to use at any time and any place we desire.
It is time; we now open ourselves and invite all of nature and all home wish to join us in Transvolution.
We invite them to join us as we heal in body, mind and soul.
We invite them to join us as we transform ourselves awakening new abilities that have been sleeping in every cell of our bodies since the beginning of time.
We know that if we ask we will receive and so we ask our cells and all creation to remember health and become healthy.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we understand that what our cells remember they become.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we understand that our cells have the ability to access the memories of our ancestors back to the beginning of time.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we understand that our cells have the ability to send and receive audio and video signals throughout all creation to gather any information desired.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we understand that our cells have the ability to learn new abilities and convey the knowledge to use these abilities to us.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we understand that as our cells use the ability to send and receive radio and video signals others of similar ideology will be drawn to us.
As we ask our cells and all creation to remember health we give thanks to our cells and Creator for there granting of our request.
We know that what ever we seek we will find and so we now seek for every cell in our bodies to become healthy and transform awakening abilities and talents promised us when we were created.
Now with every heartbeat we feel our cells responding to our request and we say thank you.
Now with every breath we feel our cells responding to our request and we say thank you.
Now with every step we feel our cells responding to our request and we say thank you.
Now with every touch from another we feel our cells responding to our request and we say thank you.

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