Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

Some of us write to calm our minds
Others write to pas the time.

We are inspired by the land and firmements,
Others use their testiments.

No matter what it is we use,
Be it winter snows or summer dews.

Always know you carry a greater gift,
Not just some fabled myth.

I want you all to say how you feel,
Take the impossible and make it real.

For inside you is true magic,
Be it wondrous, or be it tragic.

You bring life to dying lands,
Youthful minds with in your hands.

So carry on oh gifted ones,
Do not stop, for your work is not yet done

Views: 78


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Comment by One Dove on July 16, 2014 at 9:14pm
Comment by One Dove on July 16, 2014 at 9:13pm

The Rees also make a salient point about the power of ritual re-enactment of events:

“That the need for archetypal precedents of this kind persisted even when the old tradition had been supplanted by Christianity is clearly seen in the incantations and charms of Scottish crofters. Curses derive their efficacy, and daily activities their meaning, by being regarded as repetitions of what members of the Holy Family and saints did once upon a time:

“I bathe my face
In the nine rays of the sun
As Mary bathed her Son
In the rich fermented milk…”

“I am smooring the fire
As the Son of Mary would smoor…”

“I will pluck the gracious yarrow
That Christ plucked with His one hand…”

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