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Xander's Blog (5)

Shall I Be

shall i be the wind grazing your cheek, softly blowing your hair, shall i be the moon beautiful and bright in the night sky, searching for you smile, wishing for you to gaze at me with love, shall i be the sun that warms your soul on cold winter days, shall i be the flame casting shadows silhouette in your cabin, shall i be the second beat of your heart that keep you alive, shall i be the very air you breath that keep your lungs filled with joy, shall i be the ghost or a being to keep you…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 10:44pm — No Comments

Empty World

as i walk the streets they're always crowded, everything is black and white, all i can see are dull faces with no features,no emotions, im truly alone my heart tells me, an outcast in the world, blues and greens resonating out from me, its to dull, its to dark, its to quiet, soft cool drops falling on my face, hiding my tear stained eyes, rain humm amazing, why... why am i so alone my heart shouts out to the world, why haven't i found a beautiful soul to bring color to my world, in the…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 10:30pm — No Comments

For You

your in a cold dark place with know one around, everything seems lost, everything seems pointless, and when there are people around it always seems as if there laughing, you try to cover your ears, and yet the things they say are impossible to tune out, tragedy strikes and reality sits in, there is nothing left to live for, there is nothing holding you here on this plane, seeming impossible thoughts, wanting and yearning for some hand to hold, some shoulder to cry on, someones warmth,…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

A Cold November Night

who am i? where am i? why does it hurt so much? each time, each moment last an eternity, silently watching the stars, wishing for him to grant my wishes, wanting more then ever to have you next to me, stars begin to fall and wishes become real, thoughts of you become even more clear, silence in the night, calm cool breezes pass me by, feeling so alone, so lost, warm arms hold me close, humm your there laying your head on my shoulder, dreaming of forever, the intoxicating scent of your hair,…


Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 1:00pm — 1 Comment

Shes like

in such a dismal world i can find something so interesting, the way you smile so innocent, i cant seem to look away, your aura so bright the way you look at life is so interesting, i smile when you giggle or laugh, humm its so weird, and when you look directly at me i cant speak, my heart skips a beat, and im yours

Added by xander on December 8, 2011 at 9:58am — 1 Comment

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