Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

Wicca Wiccans Pagans and Free Souls.. live different.. be Neopagan!

I know that things like this shouldn't upset me. But i think it is rude when people talk bad about other peoples' beliefs, just because they don't understand or don't want to understand them. I don't know if any of you have read or come across these sites, but here they are.


(If that one doesn't work ^^ then this one might v v)

whywiccansstillsuck.bravehost.com why wiccans suck


I came across these on google. The things people say can be so cruel. To say the truth the comments made my eyes water. It just made me sad for those people because they are so closed minded.

Sorry if they aren't linked.

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Comment by bratchild on November 26, 2008 at 8:04pm
Please don't even give this the time it took you to read it. There will always be vicious, ignorant people in the world and I refuse to give them any energy unless they actually intrude on my personal space. One day, I believe these people will find a place they can all gather, build their own fence to keep us out, and stay comfortably to themselves.
Comment by Jade on November 24, 2008 at 11:13pm
wow! i am amazed that people actually think like that. they wonder why SOME wiccans hate christians. Hello- burning times! i think that is a pretty good reason. 30,000 people died because the pope made a ruling that anyone that did not accept 'jesus' would die. i dont hate christians i really dont. i have alot of christian friends and we simply dont talk about religion, but.... that was just horrible. im gonna go cry now....
Comment by HEXtraordinary on November 24, 2008 at 9:41pm
VERY well said, Justin. Kudos to you.
Comment by Justin on November 24, 2008 at 8:30pm
I have found most often in my life that those who scream the loudest are usually the most guilty of the "crime" against which they protest. Homophobic people are a prime example. The ones who call out the gays on their "horrible lifestyle" are usually the least secure in their own sexuality and feel it necessary to point their finger in order to take the spotlight off themselves. If you look over the entire website to which you refer, you'll notice that about 80% of the site is a collection of other peoples' thoughts. The host of the site apparently doesn't have too many original ideas floating around in his head. Otherwise he wouldn't need to depend upon others to do the talking for him. It is apparent that this person understands that intimidation is extremely easy when you compose a harem of negativity from multiple sources and bring them all together into one place. The host is simply not comfortable enough with their own life and feels it necessary to condemn the actions of everyone else around him/her in order to convince their self that they are inferior.

You can't let things like this get to you. There will ALWAYS be at least one person in this world who doesn't agree with something that you do. You'll simply be wasting your blessed time here by allowing it to influence you.

Words of Wisdom:
Even though you may be screaming NO at something...You're still screaming.

Blessed Be :-)
Comment by erthgoddss on November 24, 2008 at 3:07pm
I went to the site... and like most derogative hate filled sites... it takes some facts "as they interpret them" and twist it to their belief system. I looked at the blog on their site... have you seen how many views and how many responses they have had? At most there are something like 8 replies to any post.
It seems to me just by what I read at the site... it is not so much hate against pagans as much as hate for him/herself. He takes just the Native American people as being mistreated by "whites" and how the Native American people have robbed their traditions and beliefs. Either he/she is very bigoted, a racist or just a very unhappy person. I find that if someone of one race or religious belief uses hatred toward another... it is usually based in self loathing.
As a pagan.. our people have been mistreated, burned at the stake, hung, pilloried, drowned and generally slaughtered for our beliefs. When I see a site of hate mongers... it doesn't really affect me. Each of us is entitled to our beliefs. I live in a mostly Christian state. If I fought everyone who didn't believe as I do... that is all I would get done everyday! :) I say live and let live. If he/she want to start a hate site... it won't be the first or last. It is just sad for him.

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