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I am having some troubles figuring out where each element belongs on the pentagram. I know that Spirit is the upper point, considering Spirit is my element but the other four decieve me. So tell me if im right, Starting with spirit and continuing Deosil around the pentagram, would it be Air, Water, Fire, Earth or Air, Water, Earth, Fire? Or neither of those.


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Comment by Melissa Kara on December 6, 2011 at 4:20pm

Normally, I start with the East, Element of Air, then clockwise, Fire , Water, Earth and Spirit ( Mother) North, if you align the uppermost point with North, use a compass if your not sure.


That's it, same with evoking the guardians , elements, you move from the East to the North clockwise.


Hope that helps, Blessings,


Melissa ,

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