Wicca Official Worldwide Community of Pagans Wiccans & Neopagans

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Who's ready for Candlemas? I'm ready for Candlemas!

Imbolc is going to be so exciting! This is going to be the first Sabbat that I'm actually going to get to celebrate! Yay Me! Happy Happy Happy... HAPPY! :) I have to get my candles though. :\ They will be in my posession before Monday afternoon. Where, oh where am I going to celebrate this wonderful occasion? Hm. Maybe outside? We shall see. HAPPY!!!!! :D I'm ready to make my nummy food and drink my nummy drink! Dance Dance Dance. So happy! It's really ridiculous how happy I am! I wasn't even this excited when I got initiated. Jeez. I'm really happy. But wait that's not fair. I think I wasn't that excited that day because I had a little wine and nothing to eat prior to the wine and that was like my first bit of wine ever. So... That doesn't count. But yeah I'M SOOOOO HAPPYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!

Ah!!!! Candlemas, Imbolc and groundhog's day... same thing! AHHH!!!!!! Candlemas is a Christian holiday too!!!!!!!! :O

Wow, I had no idea.

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