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Short and sweet, I would like to talk to anyone, man or woman who has had this experience and values it. What do you find most pleasing about it what do you find is difficult?
Blessed Be

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Merry Meet Lynn!
No biggie...in fact, it's very comforting to a Crone such as myself to know others pull that sort of SNAFU as well. LOL!

I have been very fortunate in that the Goddess has seemed to bring just the right people into my life once I became committed to the Path & did my self dedication ritual. And on the flip side, she has also removed certain people who would have otherwise held me back or discouraged my progression.

I am currently taking Tarot lessons from an HP who does not teach by the book but from the heart. His one constant instruction to students is to read what your heart hears the card telling you...YOUR interpretation, not what some book/author says the card's meaning is. The class is a small group of 4 students & we have developed a rapport among ourselves that is both comforting & encouraging but lets the class remain challenging for all of us.

As far as getting a deck, so far I have had 4...2 were gifts & did not work for me (one was to "muddy" & very negative, the other deck had the 'meanings' printed on the cards), the third deck was a standard Rider-Waite & too large for my small, arthritic hands, and the fourth, which I am now using, is a scaled down version of the R-W cards. I usually keep my cards with me (in fact I have them @ work today) in a special dark blue pouch, inside a wooden box with a few special crystals for good measure, and at night they are on my nightstand just inches from my head. I have seen other cards that are gorgeous and much more flashy & eyecatching. But again, my hands create definite size limitations and these cards fit like they were meant for me, so I always make sure to tell my cards just how special they are to me and just how lucky I am to have found them. :-)

Thanks for the encouraging words btw...& the giggle over the SNAFU.

Lyn Moore said:
Dear Grimalkin , I am so sorry for directing my answer to Izchel instead of you. It was about the tarot. Lyn

Grimalkin del Freya said:
I have been practicing Solitary Eclectic about 2-3 yrs. now, originally more from necessity than though choice. There just weren't that many pagan shops, or more specifically open groups/covens, in my area to turn to for guidance which made it difficult. However, I did ALOT of online research & acquired a small library of Wiccan books that I 'consumed' and that helped me hone my skills. Eventually I came across a couple friendly people who were practitioners and I have slowly developed a small network of friends who are active in the local pagan community. I now belong to 2 study/discussion groups, I'm taking Tarot classes, and participate in as many classes & events as I can find & afford. I am fortunate to have met a former HP and an HPs and they both are now giving me guidance & encouragement in my studies. Even so, I am still practicing solitary primarily because I like the freedom of expression it allows me, it's what I am most comfortable with, and because I'm not ready yet for a specific Trad &/or coven work.
Merry Meet -
It's interesting how you think you know the answer to a question being asked until you hear others responses. I can picture the setting that you described as the creation of your altar and Samhaim celebration. One thing that I struggle with is knowing where I can practice rituals and cast my circles in nature; outside. At this time, the closest that I can get is the balcony of my upstairs apartment. Any suggestions?

Blessed Be

Merry Meet Michelle, I recently cast my first circle for a Samhain ritual/celebration and it went quite well, and felt right (at least to me). See the website below. I kinda used this as a guide and simplified it a bit. I used four rocks (one at each point e,s,w,n) to create my area and used a water/salt mixture for the cleansing (I'm a Pices so I used sea salt :>) I then closed the circle, did my celebration and then opened or released it. It was very cool, wish I had a picture of my set up out side under the stars with a hay bail as my alter...a real down to earth setting.
Hope this helps!

Hi Joseph -
I totally understand where you're coming from with that. My best advise (from a novice such as myself) would be to keep practicing. Don't give up. It will come. When I was first starting it was helpful for me to start with a simple incantation asking the God and the Goddess to help me clear my own thoughts so that I could hear theirs resonate within me. I often repeat this when things in my life seem to start moving too fast and I start to feel disconnected from the Spirit. It helps me a lot.

Blessed Be

Joseph S Williams said:
I have been trying to get the meditation prayer down but can't seem to clear my mind of everything. It is like one thing will disappear and another one will pop right on in. I just started about a week ago. So I am still workin on getting the supplies for my first cleansing. But I do know for a fact the meditation prayer really works and calms me down makes me feel relieved of all stress and such. Don't know if this is what you were talking about but I decided to comment to see wat you or anyone else would say to it. Blessed Be
An aside to all: I just joined today so bear with me if I haven't gotten the hang of appropriate posting and format yet! :) I'm not used to working in thread formats, so I hope I put this in the right place. LOL!!

Ironskulls, I love the description of your samhain ritual! The hay bayle is brilliant!! How fun! I held circle recently at esbat with a friend of mine and we held ours under the grape arbors outside in her back yard. The entire backyard was filled with insence and the air was crisp and the moon was full. It was more about being under the moon that anything else. I agree that the rituals can be as simple or as ornate at you would like them to be. I love to laugh during ritual and enjoy welcoming in the elements, even though I am a a bit clumsy as I am not a very seriouse person at heart. But my heart is in it for sure. (Oh and I can't spell. tee hee.) I used to belong to a wiccan study group and we would all take turns directing and planning rituals and meditations. That was always interesting and we all discussed after circle where we got our references from as each of us took our turns. Now, when I'm alone, I love to mix it up a bit. Sometimes I am in my living room with candles at the quarters, sometimes I will wander outside, to the playground of the apartment complex where I live and simply meditate, quietly under the moonlight of the goddess. Last Month I held circle with a pumkin ( sounds silly, but read on)... and considered all the blessings that went into that pumkin landing in my living room, from the previouse harvest, to the seed, to the plant and its growing and care of it, to those who worked the farm and brought it to the stand where I purchased it, and here I am, with my hand placed on it, thinking of Harvest Home. It was very simple and very nice. I don't know what I would have gotten out of that meditation if I had been in a group at that moment. I do vary and get inclusive with other wiccans, but we have no set guidelines and we all like to have a bit of a laugh over our mistakes now and then. Its really about sincerity, realization of connections and openess isn't it? Such a lovely path.

Ironskulls said:
Michelle said:
I have started to practice Wicca about a year ago. I am still doing research for my book of shadows. right at the moment, I am finding that my research is very helpful. I found that I am very connected to Ancient Egypt. Ever since I was a little girl, I was interested. Now my spiritual path is now revolving around Ancient Egypt mythology and history.

I am still quite insecure in trying a ritual. I am not quite sure what to expect. Honestly, I am not quite sure on how to cast a circle. Though, with some practice, I should get the hang of it soon.

Merry Meet Michelle, I recently cast my first circle for a Samhain ritual/celebration and it went quite well, and felt right (at least to me). See the website below. I kinda used this as a guide and simplified it a bit. I used four rocks (one at each point e,s,w,n) to create my area and used a water/salt mixture for the cleansing (I'm a Pices so I used sea salt :>) I then closed the circle, did my celebration and then opened or released it. It was very cool, wish I had a picture of my set up out side under the stars with a hay bail as my alter...a real down to earth setting.
Hope this helps!

reliving my past lives was most difficult. took me many years to see even one life i may have had. it takes alot of energy and you need to be strong, buliding my energy for such a practice was hard. was i successful?, yes my story was nothing i expected. take with Caution what you want to learn. cause they may change your life forever . my mother went through the samething, she was practicing way longer then i and foundout something she hated about herself, we can only grow from our former lifes mistake. she learned from it and grew from it, but we will both be forever touched by our past.
i am a heretatery witch and also a solitary practicioner but not by choice. i find it diffacult to practice alone becouse if the spell turnes on me im alone to deal with it as best i can
What I find most pleasing is the fact that I learn far more by researching what I want to learn and do by myself, I will go looking for one answer and end up learning so much more by the time I'm finished. What is most difficult? hum can't really say I chose the solitary path and havent looked back.
I'm a solitary something. I hate labels. ;) I love the freedom to believe what I feel is right for me. Difficulty- Everywhere you go, someone wants to tell you you're wrong.
i totally agree with you Aislinn, i too dislike title and lables, i think it is ego that leads us to claim a title. i do NOT practice, i live,.. THIS IS A WAY OF LIFE FOR ME,it is what i do and who i am, not something i'm working at with hope of getting right, although i know i must still learn and grow and with each day comes perfection, i seek not to please any one but to honor my connection to the great spirit,lord and lady, mother earth and all my relation.this is my way of life. i don"t practice to eat,sleep,walk, pray, ect,..it is me ,it fits me like my skin,.. everyone must walk their own path,the only right and wrong is within the heart... if i am to name it, i would call it Ajaniism,.. and i spell it with two eyes so that you see it clearly. it allows me to be me and to enjoy spiritual moments without wondering if its against my religion.
i have been doing this for sometime one thing that help is nature sounds concentrat on them and pratice as much as you can also a blessing doesnt need to be alot sea salt and whites sage you can get most places for a very good price most feel you need to do this big blessing you dont for the most part you can do it all yourself make sure you do a self clensening and start in your house from left to right making sure you get the smoke in the conrers on the windows and doors put the sea salt as you pass them finish at either the front door or back which ever flows with the left to right path and but sea salt there i hope this helps

Joseph S Williams said:
I have been trying to get the meditation prayer down but can't seem to clear my mind of everything. It is like one thing will disappear and another one will pop right on in. I just started about a week ago. So I am still workin on getting the supplies for my first cleansing. But I do know for a fact the meditation prayer really works and calms me down makes me feel relieved of all stress and such. Don't know if this is what you were talking about but I decided to comment to see wat you or anyone else would say to it. Blessed Be
Bright Blessings! I am a practicing Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Witch. The most pleasing part for me is of course, seeing the results, or fruits of my labor. It gives me that warm, fuzzy feeling! lol The hardest thing for me is to stay positive and work from a positive point of view in the face of negativity and other peoples intolerance aka ignorance.
Wishing love and light to all! -Be Blessed
I really get into what the composer Pauline Oliveros (sp.?) call "Deep listening" and center myself in that space where I listen to Nature just be as it is in that now moment.

christine said:
i have been doing this for sometime one thing that help is nature sounds concentrat on them and pratice as much as you can also a blessing doesnt need to be alot sea salt and whites sage you can get most places for a very good price most feel you need to do this big blessing you dont for the most part you can do it all yourself make sure you do a self clensening and start in your house from left to right making sure you get the smoke in the conrers on the windows and doors put the sea salt as you pass them finish at either the front door or back which ever flows with the left to right path and but sea salt there i hope this helps

Joseph S Williams said:
I have been trying to get the meditation prayer down but can't seem to clear my mind of everything. It is like one thing will disappear and another one will pop right on in. I just started about a week ago. So I am still workin on getting the supplies for my first cleansing. But I do know for a fact the meditation prayer really works and calms me down makes me feel relieved of all stress and such. Don't know if this is what you were talking about but I decided to comment to see wat you or anyone else would say to it. Blessed Be


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