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I was wondering if anyone could give out ideas to those of us who live on college campuses. Most dormatories do not allow candles and while I know that you can find flameless candles, there is still the dilemma with incense burning, altars etc. Any suggestions?

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I am currently reading a fantastic book by Scott Cunningham called Wicca, Living Wicca and The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews (well its his 3 books in one really) and he says that if you find yourself in a living situation where candles and incense are dangerous or not allowed, to try to rely on mental visualizations and meditations. Here is an excerpt from the book itself:

"The art of using our brains to "see" what is not physically present is a powerful magical tool used in many wiccan ritual. For instance, the forming of the magick circle relies in part on the wiccan ability to visualize personal power flowing out to form a sphere of glowing light around the ritual area. The visualization, then, directs the power that actually creates the circle; it doesn't create it alone.

Fortunately, nearly all of us posses this ability. It may not be fine-tuned, but practice makes perfect.

Visualization is the act of seeing with the mind, not the eyes. Magickal visualization is seeing something which is presently not existent. It may be a magick circle, a healed friend, an empowered talisman.

We can raise energy from our bodies, visualize it streaming out from our palms, and then form it into a small glowing sphere, fashioning it physically as if into a snowball, and mentally seeing it as we desire.

Exercise One: Sit or lie comfortably with you eyes shut. Relax you body. Breathe deeply and still your mind. Pictures will continue to pop into your head. Choose one of these and stick with it. Let no other images intrude other than the one you've chosen. Keep all thoughts revolving around the image. Retain this picture for as long as you can, then let it go and end the exercise."

As I said this book is wonderful and stocked full of knowledge and anything else you might need to know. That was just the 1st exercise in a list of 4 or 5 he has listed. Let me know if I can help you with anything else. Good luck! :) Blessed be friend.
Thank you so much. I'm going to try and ILL this book immediately, and tonight I will try this first exercise. Blessed Be!
check around on campus, i noe some colleges have pagan study groups.
I have looked into that, but what I found were that they were a group that weren't real. I also live in the bible belt, so it's still kindof a hush-hush thing. I have found a lot of solitary witches though, and they have been helping a little bit. Thanks for the suggestion Linda!
ya i know wat ur talkin abt...i had studied in a catholic school...but rite now everythings cool in our college as long as u keep it tame...i liked the sugg astrael gave...visualization is a powerful tool
I am pleased to report that my first mental circle casting was a huge sucess! Best sleep I had in months!


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