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February 2015 Blog Posts (4)


Hi everyone

I am trying to right my own ethics but I don't know where to start. The help will be much appreciated.

Added by Diane Louise Pohl on February 19, 2015 at 6:22am — No Comments

Today I woke up to people cutting trees in my garden. They have chop most of the big branches. They said that they are old and about to break. So I took a closer look they where healthy branches. So …

Today I woke up to people cutting trees in my garden. They have chop most of the big branches. They said that they are old and about to break. So I took a closer look they where healthy branches. So I Don't Know what they thinking. I feel very sorry for the trees and now the garden what have the best of the bird life that it had before. I hate it when people don't think before they do something. This makes me angry.


Added by Diane Louise Pohl on February 18, 2015 at 6:33am — 1 Comment

I'm here because most pagan sites are blocked by my government as "cult and occult". Great!

I can log into any other religious websites, except for ones that are spiritually "pagan" in nature. This is disturbing for me, despite the historical hypocrisy of "religious freedom" in my country of residence. And here I am, in the popular calendar year of 2015 experiencing this... intolerance. Well, I am thankful that this site is open, and that it has a live chat option that is not blocked either. It's comforting for me. This is a blessing, and I hope others will find WiccanNeoPagan.com…


Added by Katmir Stone on February 6, 2015 at 10:59am — No Comments

I had a dream last night of a women with dark red hair and yellow snake eyes with a grey background, then I work up but my eyes where closed an I felt someone or something  holding me down on my back…

I had a dream last night of a women with dark red hair and yellow snake eyes with a grey background, then I work up but my eyes where closed an I felt someone or something  holding me down on my back and I could not breath. please can someone help me.


Added by Diane Louise Pohl on February 3, 2015 at 6:23am — 5 Comments

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