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May 2013 Blog Posts (8)

Ode to Taraichi

I kiss you

And you kiss me to

I bite your lips

And grab your hips

I pull away

I love you bay

Leaning in

We kiss again

I take you home

We text on phone

We talk all night

This feels so right

Next Day

You don't remember shit

I go to kiss you

You say no lips

I feel a pain

Deep in my soul

I shake it off

This sinking hole

I dream those nights

Everytime I sleep

I trust you bitch

But this pain did…


Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on May 27, 2013 at 1:47pm — 2 Comments

Con Artists

Unfortunately I seem to be a con artist magnet, be it in my email, my online dating profile and now on here.  Men from Africa claiming to need help for whatever reason message me constantly with the hopes I will send them money out of desperation for love or for gain of my own.  One way to recognize a con is the language they use in communicating with you.  Someone who is far too flattering is usually up to something.  Another way is the actual words used, I have corresponded with a few…


Added by WillowSilverWolff on May 26, 2013 at 9:28am — No Comments

Healing With Color

Humans have a deep emotional and psychic connection to color. It's ingrained in our psyche. Color has been used to heal our bodies as well as our minds, but it's usage has slipped in and out of favor over the centuries.

So, this week we gaze into the color spectrum. We'll take a look at the long history that color has played in the healing arts from Ancient Egypt right up to today. And we'll also look at some of the suprising ways that we're just now learning about, regarding how…


Added by Hawthorne on May 22, 2013 at 1:41pm — No Comments

Macular Degeneration (The shroud of Erberus)

Macular Degeneration 

Darkness dancing in speckles

Like light does for most

Shadows cover faces

Faces becoming ghosts

Distance ever blurry

I have trouble judging space 

But in all this darkness

I can clearly see your face

It shines like a beacon

I can see you so damn clear

I feel so blind without you

But it's 20/20 with you here

I can see your eyes…


Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on May 15, 2013 at 2:52pm — No Comments

Games for May

Here we are deep into the Spring season. But, if you're anything like me, then you haven't done any Spring Cleaning yet, have ya? It's time we Hop to It! While we're clearing out our attics, let's look for Crafty Ways to Rummage and Recycle. Afterall, "Repair, Re-fashion and Recycle" should be the watch words of the modern Pagan, right?

But in the midst of all that work, we should take the time to stop and smell the flowers. So we'll talk about "Flower Essence Therapy for Magickal…


Added by Hawthorne on May 14, 2013 at 12:59pm — No Comments

May 14, 2013

This day I is see is going to kill me. I only have one person to speak to but I cannot speak openly to him. For he will defend the girl whose words are the cause of me wishing to destroy what’s left of me, the one that said I should kill myself. The marks I place are spreading. My family wishes me gone but her words make me question what kind of person would tell someone, who they know little about, that they are worthless and should…


Added by Kalyn X on May 14, 2013 at 10:58am — No Comments

random poem i wrote in class.

    Shadows engulf her

She falls to their hateful words

Let me be she pleas

A monster is what they see

    Scarred and covered with blood

They all see it but it is as they believe it to be

The hated worthless monster must die

Even though always she cries

Human says her voice, Demon says her eyes.

-Crow Harlequin

Added by Kalyn X on May 9, 2013 at 11:02am — No Comments

A Dark Moon Meditation

We have a Dark Moon this week on Thursday, the 9th. So, this week I have for you a Dark Moon Meditation. The Dark of the Moon can be an exceptionally powerful period. This is a time when we can look more deeply into ourselves and learn what it is that's holding us back in Life. And, hopefully, learn what we can do about that. Our meditations will be mostly done with the help of readings from a book called Dark Moon Mysteries, by Timothy Roderick

Then in the second part…


Added by Hawthorne on May 7, 2013 at 2:40pm — No Comments

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