This week we celebrate our nation's Independence from Mother Britain by recognising our very own Goddess, the Lady Columbia!
Columbia is a historical and poetic name used for the United States of America and is also the name of its female personification.
What would the Goddess Columbia's attributes be? Democracy for one - you know; I don't think the Greeks had a Goddess of Democracy- so this is an original! Certainly, Liberty and Justice. The Romans had the Goddess…
Added by Hawthorne on June 30, 2015 at 1:39pm — No Comments
At first looking back I never would've thought I'd end up being into celtic etc because I was brought up catholic. A church and catholic school etc but I strayed off like a bird flying from the nest for the first time. I stumbled onto wiccan and craft online and was intrigued. I never would've guessed I'd be a witch and I am happy that I am. The new energy running through me is like I'm laying in a field of herbs and flowers without a care in the world.Ever feel like that?
Added by bethanie on June 27, 2015 at 1:57pm — No Comments
As a Wicca, I found my faith through Nature, and the Source of All of All Things. As I practice my craft through ritual I try to assist living things such as plants. In One I seek to nurture and never destroy. So Mode It Be.
These are the given names of wild plants that still come forth from where I live, and they may also be endangered through human destruction. Seek to find then for their continuance, and care about them as you do. May your will be done in harmlessness. BLESSED…
ContinueAdded by Laura Berry on June 21, 2015 at 6:48pm — No Comments
Happy Coamhain, all Wiccan and Druid.
There's a Sparrows nest outside my window, held in the cradle that is One, the Tree of Life that shades us and shields us into the night. The nest they are in is a circle, at the time of the apex of the Sun. And as it is now Summer they will soon take wing and fly, and as we know the season we will always look to the sky. WELCOME SUMMER SOLSTICE. June 21st. 2015
Added by Laura Berry on June 20, 2015 at 2:42pm — No Comments
Happy Coamhain, all Wiccan and Druid.
There's a Sparrows nest outside my window, held in the cradle that is One, the Tree of Life that shades us and shields us into the night. The nest they are in is a circle, at the time of the apex of the Sun. And as it is now Summer they will soon take wing and fly, and as we know the season we will always look to the sky. WELCOME SUMMER SOLSTICE. June 21st. 2015
Added by Laura Berry on June 20, 2015 at 2:42pm — No Comments
Added by Masoumeh Kay Rahmat on June 17, 2015 at 11:59pm — No Comments
Happy Midsummer, everyone here on the northern half! The sun is high in the sky, the air is all warm and friendly. Let's stay up real late, then we can build some fires and roll them down the hills!. It's been done forever, it's still being done now and it will always be done.
We in the Pagan community know the summer solstice by many different names. Probably the most popular is the Wiccan name of Litha. We'll talk about where the word Litha comes from and what the holiday means for…
ContinueAdded by Hawthorne on June 16, 2015 at 8:00am — No Comments
Out origin is debatable, but what I as a Wiccan call ONE, or the SOURCE OF ALL, I believe has instilled in every human being the ability to become more of consciousness and thus a full participant in that source. This has been called COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and ENLIGHTENMENT. I believe we are not to turn our individual ability over to a religious system where there are leaders and followers, that may en- mass bring forth, but is mostly mindless in what is manifested and can in theory…
ContinueAdded by Laura Berry on June 5, 2015 at 8:07am — No Comments
Weeks ago a Blessing was sent for the Beltane; at the end of the Blessing was written, 'As we enter MAY, now begin the time of dark. This is given to the circle that is the Earth and for us who live upon it to remember others in their season. In my continent of North America, we are about to enter Summer on JUNE 21st. While in Australia on the same day they are about to enter their Winter. The Circle that is of LIGHT and DARK in balance and harmony, as in the time of light there…
ContinueAdded by Laura Berry on June 2, 2015 at 3:23pm — No Comments
..................................June continues to be the most popular month for getting married. So, my theme is for this week is The June Bride.
Political conservatives in this country insist that marriage can only mean the union of one woman to one man, under the witness of their Abrahamic so-called "God". We Pagans know better than that. But there's still alot of assumptions about marriage that we've inherited from mainstream society and we don't much question.
Added by Hawthorne on June 2, 2015 at 12:51pm — No Comments
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