This week, we celebrate Lammas. Lammas, or Lughnasadh, is the Sabbat where many Wiccans and Pagans celebrate the beginnings of the harvest. This Sabbat is about the cycle of birth, life, death and rebirth -- the grain god dies, but will be reborn again in the spring.
Depending on your tradition, you may also observe this Sabbat as the day of the Celtic craftsman god, Lugh. Lugh was known to the Celts as a god of craftsmanship and skill -- in fact, he was known as the…
Added by Hawthorne on July 28, 2015 at 3:03pm — No Comments
.Here we are, in the middle of summer; it's time to go out and see the world!
As the song says, "A week in Paris will ease the bite of it", but the Sacred Traveler tries to go a bit deeper. The Sacred Traveler looks for the transcendental, the numinous, making time off from his day gig a life learning process or even an excercise in self-realization.
Well, what is it that attracts people to places on this level? We'll take a look at the connection between Earth…
Added by Hawthorne on July 21, 2015 at 1:01pm — No Comments
HAPPY MID-SUMMER! If any of us Wicca can do that scientific math {Myself.. not very good at it.} It is now the beginning of Leo..mid-July until mid-August..mid-summer the highest point of Beltane. May you be joyful all Wicca at this apex.. the meaning of fire in the four elements. BLESSED BE.. TO ALL SISTERS IN THE WAY OF OUR SOURCE.
Added by Laura Berry on July 20, 2015 at 4:37pm — No Comments
HAPPY MID-SUMMER! If any of us Wicca can do that scientific math {Myself.. not very good at it.} It is now the beginning of Leo..mid-July until mid-August..mid-summer the highest point of Beltane. May you be joyful all Wicca at this apex.. the meaning of fire in the four elements. BLESSED BE.. TO ALL SISTERS IN THE WAY OF OUR SOURCE.
Added by Laura Berry on July 20, 2015 at 4:37pm — No Comments
This week, the Spiral Dance is just a Day at the Beach, as we delve into Beach Magick! We'll start with the Charge of the Sea Goddess and we'll explore the role that Water has always had in religion.
From there we'll look at a few Sea Gods and Goddesses. Then I want to share a story. This is a spoken word peice presented by Mara Freeman. It's called, The Selkie!
Finally, we'll get right down to the shore and do some actual beach magick!
Hope you enjoy the…
Added by Hawthorne on July 14, 2015 at 8:57am — No Comments
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