Reincarnation. Some believe, some don't. Some say that know if for a fact, that they've experienced their past lives.
I don't make such claims myself, although I've experienced things that have given me pause for thought.
So I've got a poem on Reincarnation from the pen of Aleister Crowley. And I've got some info on how why and where the concept of Reincarnation developed.
We think of Reincarnation as an Eastern philosophy. But it can be…
ContinueAdded by Hawthorne on November 28, 2017 at 7:29am — No Comments
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
Thanksgiving is in a way a time when our various Tribes gather together. We travel from where ever we're living to where ever our larger family is - it may be over hundreds of miles, or just across town. But it's a time for us to renew our relationships with those who have been in our lives from the very beginning.
So, what is a "Tribe"? Anthropologists don't really have answers, but they have alot of theories, and of course, lots of papers written…
ContinueAdded by Hawthorne on November 21, 2017 at 7:30am — No Comments
This week, let's take a look at Pagan Ethics. I promise, we'll HARM NONE!.
A good place to start is to examine just what do we mean by Ethics in the first place. When did we start thinking about Ethics? What does it mean for us personally, or as a society, or, really, what does it mean for us a satient beings? Is the consideration Ethics soley a condition of being human?
The acedemic study of Ethics and its connected philosophies, has divided Ethics up into…
ContinueAdded by Hawthorne on November 14, 2017 at 8:32am — No Comments
This week we talk about what in the scientific community is known as Cognitive Flexibility. Try to wrap your mind around that!
With a flexible mind you could do f things, like increase your creativity, get yourself unstuck from Pain and generally be happier and more productive in your life.
So, here's to all the things the mind can do for you if you only just let it!.
Be well. Do good. Enjoy the show!
Some of…
ContinueAdded by Hawthorne on November 7, 2017 at 8:10am — No Comments
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