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All Blog Posts (1,115)

Panic Attacks

Panic attacks suck, quite frankly. I have been having them quite frequently lately. Some days are better than others but its the bad days that make me want to crack my head open and insert a new brain. It really hurts.... not knowing if the panic is from inside of yourself and is therefore not really a valid reason to panic or if there is a real reason that you should be panicking. Should you panic if you're at the grocery store and all of a sudden you can't find the exit (even though you have… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on June 13, 2009 at 5:58pm — 3 Comments


sometimes its just too hard to take the trials and tribulations alone and that time is now for me. i wake up not wanting to open my eyes, start a new day...or even talk to anyone. I go to bed feeling like the lonliest soul in the galaxy, knowing that the soul i search for is lightyears away. these feelings that i have....they are the easy way out. i want to know happiness and have a free heart again....i just feel so alone in the journey to that. i'm not one to be such a downer, but i just feel… Continue

Added by Carabella on June 13, 2009 at 5:04pm — 4 Comments

What is a happy ending

What is a happy ending

Is it love ones

Is it ricing people at things

Is it just laughing with friends and family

Is it moving around the world

Is it what we say or do

Is it just being a friend to people you don't even like

Is it how we deal with things in life

Is it scary movies

Is it happiness we give others

Is it how we work so hard for so little

Is it how we show love

Is it the way see things that other do not want to…

Added by THE BITCH FROM HELL on June 13, 2009 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

What is living

What is living

Is it love

Is it breathing

Is it seeing

Is it talking

To me living is all of those things

You love people and things you care about

You breath in the earth and all on belongings

You see things others can and not can not see and that make you you

You talk to people about what you believe in and what makes you happy

To me all these things make you you and this how live day by day in a way you can say these are my…

Added by THE BITCH FROM HELL on June 13, 2009 at 11:15am — 1 Comment


This feeling of repulsion.
This new emptiness.
This bittersweet reality.
Make it not matter.
These thin fragile emotions.
The trust and passion.
Build this fortress.
Protect what is precious.
The hurt is army enough.
No need to try.
Let it take its own defense.
Instinct is my weapon of choice.

Added by Carabella on June 12, 2009 at 8:39am — No Comments


skin tingles
hair stands
eyes haze.
feel weightless
blood hot
adrenaline released.
eyes burn
body burning
completely consumed.
hold it
release it
conquer it.

Added by Carabella on June 11, 2009 at 9:02pm — No Comments

Elemental Journey

To cascade in an ocean

And fall to an endless sea

Listen to the waves

Rolling at your feet

The air flowing through your body

Breezes course through your veins

Caressing the aches of yesterday

Taking away your pains

Heat rising from your center

Blazing in your eyes

Echoes from your lungs

Breathe deep the ash as others cry

Ground yourself in the earth

Dig farther than ever before

Revel in Mother… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on June 8, 2009 at 6:30pm — 3 Comments

How to make Incense and info about incense

I found this online from a web site and thought I would share it with people. granted these are not my words so I don't take credit for them. It's kinda a big blog but I have used this for a while now and found it to be worth looking into. Any who Enjoy!

Incense making is a meditative and enjoyable way to exercise our creativity. It's simple, inexpensive and awakens us to the pleasures of earth's aromatic treasures and our interconnection with nature. Create recipes that greet the… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on June 5, 2009 at 9:03am — No Comments

All Around

All around

Intrigue & Astound


Sad & Lull


Nervous & Timid

All around

Faces & Energy

Hold their hand

Broken & Shattered

Take them in

Shame & Regret

All around

Grief & Lonely

Heal their hearts

Closure & Forgive

Light the way

Love & Compassion

All around

Content &… Continue

Added by Carabella on June 4, 2009 at 9:15pm — 2 Comments

Let Her Be You

Feel the moisture,

Inside of that heat.

Breathe it in,

Let it be you.

Touch the bark,

On that oak tree.

Leave it on your skin,

Let it be you.

Welcome the sun,

On your glowing face.

Bask in it,

Let it be you.

Put your ear,

To the ground.

Hear that heartbeat,

Let it be you.

Feel the wind,

Rush over your body.

Have it embrace you,

Let it be you.

Know that She,

Is… Continue

Added by Carabella on June 4, 2009 at 9:10pm — 2 Comments

Sitting On The Edge of Love

Lying in my bed at night

I wonder where my life is leading

I could only hope for love to find me

And show me without fearing

I sit up and stare at the walls

And see what no one else has

I see myself for who I am

Only one knows of my true brass

Standing up and walking out

Following my own shadow

I feel the kiss of another

My heart is no longer shallow

Driving to my destination

I focus only on her

Wanting to… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on June 3, 2009 at 9:38pm — 3 Comments

Listen To Your Heart

Listen to your heart

It will light your way

All you need is love

To ease the pains away

It tells of a different time and place

Searches for the inner you

Your heart always calls your name

Listen as it calls to you

Follow the dreams you've had since childhood

They know you better than you know yourself

Hearken to their knowledge

Hear the breadth of knowledge you hold inside the self

Sometimes pain seems too… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on June 3, 2009 at 9:00pm — 2 Comments


I met a snail yesterday. A really small, shell-less snail, who taught me a life lesson. Slow down, you don't have to know your direction, you only have to navigate a small amount, destiny will lead you where you need to go. These are the answers I have been searching for....and were an awakening for me. My snail sensei. I needed to share this with everyone....when you are having trouble or can't clear your mind...look to Gaia to guide you. She holds the answers and serenity that we all seek.… Continue

Added by Carabella on June 3, 2009 at 3:21pm — 1 Comment

The Marking

"Don't delude yourself. The minute you set foot upon the path of witchcraft, a call rings out in the unseen world announcing the fact of your arrival."

This statement was taken from an old book on Witchcraft that I ran across some time ago, but this fact still holds true. When you decide (really Decided) to walk the path of a Witch or Magick user ( whether you come out of the broom closet or not.) you are marked to the point that even Muggles (normals ( I love that word from Harry Potter))… Continue

Added by Shadowalker on June 3, 2009 at 11:24am — No Comments


Slithering every so slowly,
to destination at which...
is a guess at best.

Knowing this journey,
is for a reason...
not knowing why.

One more step,
another exhale...
not gonna fail.

Keep a steady pace,
keep the task in focus...
not gonna rush this.

Enter the decay,
shed the dead...
will be renewed in the end.


Added by Carabella on June 3, 2009 at 10:23am — 1 Comment

For Shelby

Listen to my breathing

Feel my heart beat in time with yours

I am forever under your spell

Together through eternity as one

Only when I hear your voice

Or see your lovely face

And feel your spirit with me

Am I completely at ease

Waking up to the sound of your voice

Calling my name through Sleep's haze

I wish for only you in my life

True happiness is borne of the love we share

Too much time has been lost

To spend… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on June 3, 2009 at 12:57am — 2 Comments

What it means to be a human

The way you give love,

And the way you will get it back will just show how you live.

Peace in your heart and mind,

Will always make you a better person.

The happiness you give to others,

Will show how you care about them.

Witchcraft is not for everyone but,

If it is for you then do it no mater what anyone tells you.

Family will always be there for you,

Even if you get into some bad stuff .

Their there to help u…

Added by THE BITCH FROM HELL on June 1, 2009 at 3:31pm — 2 Comments

the things I belaeve in

Wind is the air we breath Fire is the heat of passion Water is the sea we have crossed Earth is the every thing around us spirit is the hope and dreams we have

Added by THE BITCH FROM HELL on June 1, 2009 at 3:25pm — 2 Comments

A Dream

Fuzzy and intangible

Never should I feel like this

Lost in my own thoughts

Floating in oblivion

Transfer my pain

To another part of myself

Only when that pain subsides

Shall I feel lucid once again

Isolated for eternity

But it is by choice

It lessens my anxiety

But it builds back again

Too many times I've lost myself

Hoping for a rescue

I turn the tables

Become a hero

And fail in my endeavor

Listless once… Continue

Added by Kodi Jimenez on May 31, 2009 at 5:00pm — 1 Comment

coming to an end....

Today, I finished moving into my mom's house. I am so extremely exhausted, not only from moving in three days...but b/c it didn't get under 90 degrees here the whole time i was moving. That's the dirty south for ya! :D I needed a good sweat, it feels very cleansing. I'm good and tired...gonna get some real rest tonight, b/c i earned it. that is always a good feeling to me. Logan and I have made amends and are gonna stay friends (bff) i was hoping that after 6 1/2 years that it would at least… Continue

Added by Carabella on May 31, 2009 at 4:38pm — 1 Comment

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