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January 2011 Blog Posts (11)

Nyx's Prayer

She walks in beauty

Like the night

Upon darkend hills

Under starlit skies…


Added by kendyl Gambino on January 27, 2011 at 9:47am — 3 Comments

A Poem to My Goddess Nyx

Great Goddess Nyx you are truly amazing.

As your child I can only ask for a blessing.

You are the Only Goddess for me.

You created everything by saying, "So mote it be."

You know my soul and heart.

From your path I shall never part.

You have blessed everything I see.

You have blessed the people who have helped me.

Added by Fille de Nyx on January 27, 2011 at 6:32am — 5 Comments

Tao, balance is the key

This may offend the gods; I know Yah is easily offended, but we are all equal. I'll get into that in a second, first let me talk about the big bang.Keep in mind this is a very basic description of the big bang. It was violent, it was hot (nothing even comes close today 10³² degrees) this Khaos was so violent that the ripples began to loop and bend space itself to create the sub atomic particles. They flung themselves out in all directions making the space grow. As this incredible expansion was… Continue

Added by Decimus Marcius Malleolus on January 26, 2011 at 11:53am — 2 Comments

Hatred to Witches

the other day i was walking in the in my town and when a child about 6 yrs old told his mother that i was a witch, and then the look at me and started call me all kinds of names so hurt, i just wish that Muggles well learn to get along and not demean or be scared of us we are just regular people that just believe in a different way of thinking, all the people on Earth just need to get a long together and then we will have peace on Earth and no wars or hatred, but that will happen well in the… Continue

Added by rowan hawk on January 25, 2011 at 7:43pm — 1 Comment

Will you please help me?

Okay,I joined this website because I thought it might help me.I've been on this path for years,but I don't know much about it because my entire family is christian,so I can't exactly openly talk about it and research it.I wanted someone to help me...It's painful because I really want to tell my family and have them support me,but they'd probably just try to beat it out of me.It's the same with me being bisexual.I want you guys to be the family to care and help me with it.Please??

Added by Kyla Jade Ballenger on January 19, 2011 at 11:51pm — 4 Comments

Abused and Forgotten

I wrote this for a friend who ended up stating this after reading some of my work. These are her words….

“i can understand were your coming from on that sweety but what about something for the people fleein home because there being abused by there parents who do drugs or foster kids who r gettin abused or wifes who r gettin abused or flat out abuse... i was abused in everyway possible but luckly i got away from that along time ago”

Abused and…


Added by Cameron S. on January 17, 2011 at 10:19am — No Comments

The City

i am happy today
my pocket is full of money

a n d

i am going to market, to buy ..

some tears for cry

Added by nurul azam on January 14, 2011 at 1:30am — 1 Comment

can a spirit physically attack other people

I have had others ask me if a dead person's spirit can attack you...... The answer, YES. when a person dies his/her spirit leaves this dimension and moves on, however if that spirit is lost it may reside on earth. the spirit may become unhappy or perhaps angry, depending on the nature of ones death or if ones self did or did not accomplish what they wanted in life.

I believe other spirits try to communicate in different ways with the physical world, that being physical or…


Added by Joshua Landers on January 12, 2011 at 12:53am — No Comments

Merry Xmas

Dear Everyone

I had a wonderful time at my parents for Christmas. On Friday I took the bus home. I went cross country skiing while I was home. I also watched DVDs I brought and bought with my Christmas money. On Friday I performed a Yule ritual from The Grimoire For The Green Witch with my parents.

On Saturday we opened presents and had neighbors over for dinner. We sang carols while my mom and I played piano for them. The food and the company were terrific. You can see the photos on… Continue

Added by Dylan Cook on January 11, 2011 at 9:47am — No Comments

Were Has It Gone (one of my favorite poems i wrote in 2007)

Days go by like a summer breeze,life passes us by so fast.

Everyday like each breath of air.

What we have we dont see, we just strive for more the material life.

Its a simple task just live life as it goes, with what you…


Added by machelle unrue on January 10, 2011 at 6:26pm — No Comments

the one thing i love most about being a neopagan is it is one most relaxing beutiful religions of the world and u dont have to wait to die to see and feel ur gods and godesses all around u everything…

the one thing i love most about being a neopagan is it is one most relaxing beutiful religions of the world and u dont have to wait to die to see and feel ur gods and godesses all around u everything u see and touch is part of them. when u see the deer playin in a field,a beutiful sunset,the birds singing in the trees, the wind blowin through ur hair, the sun shineing through the clouds at just the right… Continue

Added by machelle unrue on January 5, 2011 at 5:09am — No Comments

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