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March 2009 Blog Posts (24)

Put on Your Walking Shoes

I write for a website and something made me pull this out of the archives and post here:

I was having a hard time deciding what to talk to you about this month. I had a list of possible topics, but nothing got me excited. I then ran across some old notes concerning a woman with whom I’m only mildly acquainted. Most people who work with her are usually left with a bad taste in their mouths when she leaves the room. She has a position of some responsibility for a rather large… Continue

Added by Sorradin on March 30, 2009 at 3:14am — No Comments

what the fuck people

HONESTLY PEOPLE STOP HARASSING DESFRATA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS BS are we really going to repeat the Salem Witch Trials all over again? Honestly! just because someone knows things!! what in Hades name himself!! Honestly do we shun psychics? do we shun empathic people next? Do we shun those who see glimpses of the future. Heck no we don't! So what the bloody hell makes Desfrata any different!!! YOU ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOUR SELVES. guess what I'm an empath! Are you All going to persecute me!… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on March 30, 2009 at 12:00am — No Comments

heres my new fluffmonster

This is Smoki my 4 month old little fluff ball of myschief! he likes to play with boxes and unicorns along with getting into tones of trubble! Id have to say his fave show is actually spongebob and he is add! haha hes a little cutie pie too. he snuggles nd plays with you when you rub his belly and likes to sit on your head when he wants to play wif you and also loves to "fly" lmfao he jumps off of random things in my room i think im going to make him a slide lol and he loves my ferrety rasin… Continue

Added by Stella on March 29, 2009 at 4:19pm — No Comments

evil computer dies and revives

My evil computer plotted against me and died as i went to war with it so then once it had died i went it out to be revived! bwahahaha i brain washed it so now it obayes me compleatly!

Added by Stella on March 29, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Earth Day- VOTE EARTH March 28

This year, 2009, ” Earth Hour is being taken to the next level, with the goal of getting 1 billion people to switch off their lights as part of a global vote to sustain the earth. Unlike any election in history, it is not about what country you’re from, but instead, what planet you’re from. VOTE EARTH is a global call to action for every individual, every business, and every community. A call to stand up and take control over the future of our planet. Over 74 countries and territories have… Continue

Added by Ffawn on March 28, 2009 at 11:15am — 1 Comment

Story I'm working on

Still can't come up with a title. Honestly I think the title is the hardest thing about writing a story in my pinion; well that and punctuation.Please feel free to let me know what you all think of it so far when you have a free moment, for I would love to get peoples opinions. ^__^


Cameron P. Smucker (c)

Chapter 1

It all seemed like it had been a dream when it happened. People were still driving cars, and very few walked now a day’s do to… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on March 26, 2009 at 10:21am — No Comments


MM all!!!!!!!! I jus want everybody everywere that I apriciate any an all help.I want to say that since beein here I have a whole diff outlook on life,an I am learning ways to get healthy from all this dis-eas or negativity that seems to be all over me.An I want to say ty to kodi for beein my mentor,she has already helped me more then ever an I jus cant thank her enuff

Added by Hopi healer on March 25, 2009 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

The DEVIL made me do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I decide to write this article because of what I experienced with a Christian

I was getting some oil delivered to me from an oil company that I won’t name, but they should be called john the Baptist oil!

I saw the oil truck and went down stairs to greet the oilman I walk over to him as he was coming up the stairs and said hi to him. He just stared at me with a disgusted look

I asked him if everything was all right and he replied in a sarcastic voice that it was and asked me if… Continue

Added by Les on March 22, 2009 at 2:44pm — No Comments

wiccan rede

The Rede has been interpreted as a lot of things. Long, short, law, advice, or not even relevant at all.

The truth is “bad” things and “bad” events exist because, not only were we given the capabilities to make these things (ex: given the knowledge to make steel, which can be made into a sword) , but also because they are here for a reason.

Bad and good are up to the individual’s interpretation, and of course, perception. For example, most of us good ol’ American kids have… Continue

Added by TRISH-PIPER on March 20, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

Get more intimate with nature and help measure global warming! The USA Natl. Phenology Org. is looking for observers to gather data on the timing of certain species,when they leaf out, bloom,etc. to …

Get more intimate with nature and help measure global warming! The USA Natl. Phenology Org. is looking for observers to gather data on the timing of certain species,when they leaf out, bloom,etc. to ascertain effects of global warming nationwide. You don't need to be an expert; just observe the species you're familiar with.There are both native and non-native plants on the list. You don't have to have your own yard; you can observe on any land you have legal and frequent access to.A favorite… Continue

Added by terminally curious on March 19, 2009 at 4:45pm — 1 Comment

the world is color blind

Everyone has things that they like and things that they don't like. For instance, I can't stand raw tomatoes, I don't know why but I just can't, and I hate the color yellow. What got me thinking was: I have had alot of people tell me that I'm beautiful, but it seems like everytime I look in the mirror, I'm seeing a different face, a different person all together. So that got me wondering: is just because everyone has a different perspective? Or is it because everyone is actually seeing,… Continue

Added by Rachel on March 15, 2009 at 1:30pm — No Comments

What is love?

What is love? I ask myself what I know about love and I realize that I don't know anything about love! Maybe it is a type of energy and it's everywhere. I like to imagine that love is flowing from the Goddess heart, in the center of the universe, and surrounds all the things taking care of all. But what is the love we feel for each other? The desire, the passion, the atraction and even the rage that makes us so vulnerable to life? I really don't know how to answer…


Added by Silvio on March 13, 2009 at 7:30pm — No Comments


It is the year 2024. Chris is to only a few days of expiring his first 20 years of life. The future has changed thanks to many included things Chris's appearance to save to the world of the darkness.

Piper has not died like in another reality that it towards when he had 11.Now she is a recognized writer in the world of the business and cooking, since the success of the series of her books on " How administering a club and to be mother and something more " and " I only cook good… Continue

Added by TRISH-PIPER on March 12, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments


It is the year 2024. Chris is to only a few days of expiring his first 20 years of life. The future has changed thanks to many included things Chris's appearance to save to the world of the darkness.

Piper has not died like in another reality that it towards when he had 11.Now she is a recognized writer in the world of the business and cooking, since the success of the series of her books on " How administering a club and to be mother and something more " and " I only cook good… Continue

Added by TRISH-PIPER on March 12, 2009 at 6:00pm — No Comments

I really don't like it when local gov. tries a money grab

I am an insurance agent by trade and I got an e-mail last week that really gripes my cookies. ( sorry for the harsh language, and yes I have said worse).

The Association of California Insurance Companies is warning Californians of a new tax that local governments are adopting. Local governments are imposing an additional tax on people who live out of town who are involved in auto accidents. This tax is to help fund emergency services such as fire, paramedics, ambulance service, etc.… Continue

Added by Jim on March 10, 2009 at 8:23pm — No Comments

with a sigh

well one of my roommates is bailing, and moving out not that I blame him I just know I'll be in for some rough times ahead. Though in truth it would have ether been myself or him to leave first. Though now it all feels like all the responsibility will fall on me to make sure certain things are done. Normally I would be fine with that though one of the reasons he gave seemed more like an excuse, and yet I couldn't/can't fault him for it. The first reason was because he wanted to move in with his… Continue

Added by Cameron S. on March 10, 2009 at 6:33pm — No Comments

Question to the webmaster (Maybe someone else knows?)

Hi all, this is my first post. I find this website very interesting and I have a question about one of the three photographs shown on the front of the "Skyclad Magick" page. I'm referring to the pic showing an all-female coven performing ceremony within a wonderful looking stone circle. Could anybody please let me know which stone circle is it? Its whereabouts? Awesome place, awesome picture. It triggered some kind of atavistic memory... I'd be really grateful if anybody could tell me about it.… Continue

Added by Valentinus on March 10, 2009 at 4:30pm — 2 Comments

True Love

Ok, there is a lot of things in this life that I've seen, but never thought that I could have for myself... And one of these things, the most elusive creature that I have taken so much time to try to figure out, is love... I've always been the one that saw the people around me finding love and whatnot, and I've always been happy for them, but I've had to guard my heart because I would always get hurt... This time, no, it wasn't meant to be... I met someone, and I wasn't sure what was going to… Continue

Added by The Gate 2 Guy on March 8, 2009 at 7:04pm — 1 Comment

Do you believe in meaningful coincidences?

Do you believe in meaningful coincidences? Friday afternoon, after I had gotten off the bus, I took the trash out and I got this weird, sudden urge to walk around and enjoy natur. I looked around and pointed all the elements. Dirt, grass, and trees for earth, wind for air, sun for fire, and well, there's no water. Well, hopefully, my spirit would be uplifted during this walk. I sure did need it. So I walked out to a huge grassy field. I keep walking, and aty once I feel the wind blowing against… Continue

Added by EleMENTAL! on March 7, 2009 at 5:30pm — 1 Comment

Random rants from a Marine's mind...

Ok, so heres the deal... I woke up this morning, as much as I didn't want to, and I went out to administer some PT... Mind you, I wasn't supposed to do anything, so I wore my best Cami's (camouflage, our uniforms everyday when were working)... So, were out there, and I get told that I'm going to be a demonstrator for the next evolution (the next PT event, for you civi minds out there...)I look down the line, and I see that it is drenched in mud, grass, and about 2 inches of water... I can't… Continue

Added by The Gate 2 Guy on March 5, 2009 at 5:45pm — No Comments

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